
Watch Full Length Windows on the World USA Rene Auberjonois openload creators Zack Anderson

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Synopsis - After watching the news on 9/11 with his family, Fernando travels from Mexico to New York City to find his father, an undocumented worker at the World Trade Center's famous Windows on the World restaurant. Audience score - 44 Vote. Luna Lauren Velez. tomatometer - 9,2 of 10 star. Michael D. Olmos.

Anyone else going to the Oxford event? I've got my ticket sorted, see you there. Part 5 The Redford Public Library, an old dusty place built before even McGraths. A chubby, bespectacled girl sat behind the desk across from the entrance, rows and rows of books surrounded the desk in every direction, standing higher than anyone could reach. Those sliding ladders you see in movies leaned against the giant shelves, unused for who knows how long. For all I could tell, I was the first person whod stepped foot in the place in years, save for the young librarian who looked up from whatever she was doing, her eyes wide like those of an owl as she watched me close the large wooden door behind me. I crossed the large room, floorboards creaking under me with every step. The enormous bookshelves flanking me were rather intimidating. Id hate to have to search through them. Thats why I called ahead. “Jack Collins…” I said to the spaced out girl running the place. “…You should have a book for me. ” “I had to go down to the archives to get this, Mr. Collins. We havent had anyone interested in this kind of thing for years. ” She said as she removed her glasses and let them dangle from a beaded string around her neck. She ducked beneath the desk and returned with a large tome. Salem wasnt the only place to get itself caught up in hysteria in the 1690s according to the old, leather-bound book. The title, which only became legible once the librarian blew the layer of dust from it, read “The Trials of the Redford Accused”. Just as the title claimed, it was a detailing of Redfords very own witch hunt. The tome laid it all bare, covering every gruesome point. I could have correctly guessed the empty plot of land that was used for the executions…and wasnt surprised in the least to find that it was the same patch where years later McGraths Department Store would be raised. Like Salem, the accusations began in 1692 with Mary Beth Chambers. While Salem executed their falsely accused by hanging at Gallows Hill, colonial Redford was a bit more creative. Theyd given their killing grounds the name “Devils Mouth”. Mary Chambers, the first accused, was also the first to be found guilty, and the first to be fed “back into hell”. For the bloodthirsty folks of Redford, though, a simple hanging simply wouldnt do. Poor Mary would be subject to the horrendous “Blood Eagle”, a technique attributed to ancient Norse warriors. Mary was paraded through town, naked save for the ropes that bound her hands, and led to the Devils Mouth, where she was bent over a waist high wooden block, her bound wrists fixed to the blocks base. She faced utter humiliation even before the execution began, being put on display for the riled townspeople. After unspeakable degradation, the blood eagle began, performed by the towns very own Puritan Pastor, John Henry. She was given no last rights before the flesh of her back was torn open with a bone saw and her spinal column was exposed. Her ribs were then snapped, one by one, pulled unnaturally to face outward. They resembled the bloody, shattered wings of an eagle. Her lungs worked overtime, as onlookers could now see, but her screams fell on deaf ears. Her exposed lungs were salted before being pulled from the gaping cavity. Its unclear in the text if Mary was alive after that, but I sincerely hope not, as the block she was knelt upon was then set ablaze. Edward Chambers, the husband of the first accused, was the second. His death was apparently inspired by that of Giles Corey, the man crushed to death by stones in Salem. Unlike Corey, Chambers wasnt pressed for a guilty plea, instead he was pressed as his execution. The naked man was laid on a plank of wood, and another heavy board placed on top of him. One by one, heavy stones were added until Chambers screams were silenced. The executions in Redford far exceeded those of Salem, in total the blood of forty-two people soaked the ground called Devils Mouth before the hysteria ended. The bodies of those that fell victim to the mania were all burned at the scene of their executions, and their ashes salted that accursed section of earth. I dont know exactly how long I sat huddled in the floor among the sea of screaming unborn. Time had started to become an abstract concept as the minutes stretched. Hours felt like days, yet the sun refused to rise. I hummed to myself, failing to drown out the cries, and felt my mind beginning to splinter, slowly losing the ability to cope with the nightmare around me. My paranoia inflated to the point that when the crying finally did stop, I was too afraid to move, or even stop humming for fear that it would start back up. I squeezed my eyes shut as hard as I could, praying that when I finally opened them the nightmare would be over and I would be home in my bed. “You must be thirsty, son. ” A voice cut through the silence, startling me. I was so afraid that the screeching cries had returned that I nearly screamed myself. “Come now, my boy…company will be here soon. ” I hesitantly opened one eye, and saw that the web of umbilical cords and the horrific fetuses at the end of each had vanished. Stood behind the bar counter, wiping a glass mug with a white towel was a gray-haired man in a fancy suit. His gray handlebar moustache stood out to me…I recognized him, but from where my stress addled mind didnt immediately place. “Up and at ‘em, child. Time is wasting. Do as youre told and we wont have to bring forth the babies again. Wouldnt like that, would you? ” The inflection of the mans words rang of a bygone accent. He was from some earlier era. I struggled to pick myself up off the floor, but heeded his threat. I really doubted if Id survive another second of that horrid cacophony the unborn would bring. The suited man watched with steely eyes as I rose. He waved me over to a bar stool, and I slowly began to cross the room toward him, still trying to place his familiar face. It wasnt until I took my seat and saw the drivers cap hed sat on the bar before it clicked. “I know you. ” I sputtered, my voice hoarse and low. “That so? ” He asked, holding the glass mug to the light to check for cleanliness. “The pictures. Driver. ” I whispered, jerking my head to the photos on the wall. “Ah, yes. A younger me. ” He spoke as he turned his back to me. I could see him place the mug into a drink machine, and pull the lever. From the nozzle oozed a thick, vile looking substance. It was a sickly yellow with swirls of red and black intermingled. I sat in silence as the man began to hum some old jaunty that I didnt recognize. He filled the glass to the rim with the putrid gel before turning back to me and placing it on a coaster before me. “For you, Jack. On the house. ” He smiled, but the fierceness in his eyes persisted. “Eat shit. ” I muttered looking from side to side, doing my best to avoid looking at either the frothy glass of pus or the death glare of the man. “Dont be contrary, boy. ” He said just before the distant cries of a baby entered my ears. “You know how bad it can get. ” And with that the crying stopped. I made eye contact with the phantom, and silently pleaded, but was met with stoicism. Reluctantly I reached for the mug, and brought it to my face. The smell was foul, like roadkill that had been baking in the hot summer sun. I forced myself to touch the glass to my lips, and felt the warm substance playfully tickle them before I parted them and let a bit of the ooze into my mouth. It tasted as awful as it smelled, and I gagged as it slid over my tongue and down my throat. “You have lovely hands for a man, Jack. ” The apparition said as I placed the mug back onto the coaster while trying not to vomit. Before another word was spoken, the jingling of the doors bell rang through the eatery. I knew that she was out there, but seeing the lifeless body of Katie staring at me with those open, glassy eyes made me wince. I tried to focus on the woman stepping over her corpse instead. Her blonde hair was straightened, and pulled back into a ponytail eerily similar to that of my late wifes. She was lacking the essence of optimism that had so surrounded her the last time Id seen her, but there was no mistaking that I was looking at Penny Sullivan. “Penny? ” I choked out, feeling the disgusting liquid trying to climb back up my throat. She glanced at me for a brief second before looking past me. “You going to clean that up, or just leave them out there ‘til morning? ” She shot, scolding the barista. I turned my attention back to the man behind the counter only to find that in his place stood a ghostly white being. Gone was the suit, and moustache. What looked back at Penny with its featureless face was a figure wrapped head to toe in white nylon. It lacked eyes, but I could tell that its focus was completely on her. “Now! ” She spouted at the thing, showing no ounce of fear. Rightfully so, I saw as the living scarecrow began toward the door. It passed by Penny without a word, stepping over Katie and lumbering toward the smoldering body of Travis. Both Penny and I watched without a word as it stepped out of the building. A feat that Id never been more jealous of. It crossed the parking lot, passing by the robin egg blue car and stopped near Katies SUV where it knelt. Effortlessly, it tossed the charred body over one of its mighty shoulders, and glanced up at the Tree Creature, which still dangled, fumbling at its hanged neck with hand-less arms. Slowly, the rope holding the monster by the neck began to retract, drawing the beast higher and higher until it disappeared into the branches above it. “I bet youve had a hell of a night…” Penny said softly as she turned her attention to me. I continued to watch the nylon-covered mummy as it made its way back toward the restaurant. “I dont…I dont know whats going on…” I muttered, not sure if I was talking to a real person or a ghost. My stomach knotted up when I saw the Nylon Man reach down with his free hand and grab Katie by the ankle, and proceeded to drag her into the diner as if she were no more than a bag of garbage. That little ding of the door bell that came with them didnt help the feeling. He marched past Penny, who was still stood by the entrance, and then past me, still seated on the stool hed summoned me to when he was in his human form. I watched Katies head loll around as it dragged the floor, and smelled the seared flesh of her boyfriend as they passed by. The Nylon Man disappeared into the kitchen as I craned my neck to follow with my eyes. “Did you know them? ” Penny asked gently as she approached. “My wife. Shes…was my wife. ” I spoke, feeling my mind strain as the words left my mouth. “Oh Jack, Im so sorry. About all of this. ” I turned my attention back to her, and saw her fiddling around in her gigantic purse. “Are you really here? ” I asked. “I am. ” “Okay. ” I stammered, not knowing what else to say at that point. I thought about asking how to leave, but I doubted it would draw anything other than the ire of the long silent Spencer Maddox. “I need you to know that none of this was personal, and for what its worth, I really did enjoy your writing. ” She said, casting her sympathetic azure eyes on me before pulling a revolver pistol from her bag and pointing the barrel at me. “Okay…” I said again, defeat in my weak voice. I didnt raise my hands or protest. The only thing that kept me from asking her to pull the trigger was the vague fear that Id be stuck in that diner like the others. “My sister will be here soon, and then we can proceed. ” Penny said. She took a seat in a booth while keeping the gun trained on me. At that point Abby being in on it didnt surprise me. Nothing about that hellscape surprised me. I stared at the barrel of the weapon drawn on me while Penny eagerly looked out the window. I could tell by the way she fidgeted slightly, tapping her leg, chewing on her free hands fingernails, that she was anxious. I figured I could probably spring up, and wrestle the gun away from her. Worst case scenario, I get killed. There were definitely worse things that could happen to someone, and hell, maybe Id even get to come back as a Residual rather than aware. That wouldnt be so bad. Yeah I could probably take her…but instead I opted to open my mouth. “Why did the Nylon Man do what you told him? ” I said, clearing my throat, trying to regain my voice. “The Night Surgeon? ” She answered… “Hes just as afraid of Robert as the rest of them…” “McGrath…? ” I asked, knowing exactly what she meant but keeping the conversation going, as she clearly had some knowledge about the inner workings of the diner, including how to leave, hopefully. “Mhm. ” She answered, keeping her eyes on the window. “Piper seemed more concerned with someone named Maddox. She hardly mentioned Robert. ” I said. “Robert is the hand that feeds. Spencer wants to keep Robert feeding, so Rob has some sway when it comes to him. No more questions, Jack. ” She said as the duel halos of a new vehicle rounded the corner and chose a spot. I saw that it was a tow truck. Out of the drivers seat stepped a huge, barrel chested man. His bald head shined in the light of the moon. He crossed the beams of his headlights, casting a long, unsettling shadow toward the diner. He opened the passenger door, and heaved a large bundle of something over his shoulder. I watched as the man marched toward the diner, and as he got closer, I recognized him as the man whod caused a scene the day Id first visited Slappys. Terry, Patrick had called him. That bundle he carried on his shoulder cleared as he closed the gap as well, and I saw that it was no bundle at all, but a body. A body, I saw, that was missing most of its legs. Penny glanced back to me for a second, and looked as if she was sizing up what kind of threat I was. Must have come off as harmless, as she lowered the weapon and stood, making her way back to the glass door, where she pointed the gun at the approaching man. Terry didnt slow, and Penny took a few steps back as he pressed through the glass door, jingle of the bell accompanying him as it swished closed behind. The massive man in the trench coat and the petite woman with the gun stared at one another silently for a long moment. “Where is he? ” Terrys gray moustache bounded up and down as he spoke. “Dont know. His office, probably. ” Penny retorted flatly. “How long has she been drugged? ” She added just as plainly. “Tonight, or this week? Its a roofie. Itll wear off soon. ” Terry spoke, easing Abbys limp body into the ruby seat of the booth next to him. I saw that her glasses were gone, and she looked rough. Her baby blue pajama shirt was filthy, with sweat spots under the arms and down the front. A red handkerchief was tied tightly around her eyes…eye… and squeezed around her filthy hair. In her mouth was another tightly bound bandana, which would have left her gagged had she been conscious. I did register breathing, although it was light, rapid breaths. Terry caught me eyeing the pitiful looking woman. “That him? ” He asked Penny, who still had her revolver pointed at the burly man. “That punk gave me a black eye. Be careful with him. Hes…slippery. We waiting on something, or can we move, sweetheart? ” He finished, scowling at me but speaking to Penny. “Lets go. ” She said after a moment, and gestured with the gun for Terry to bring Abby. Penny then turned the weapon back to me. “Cmon, Jack. ” I stood, seeing no other option, and watched as Terry hauled Abbys flaccid frame over his shoulder again before Penny led us through the doorway to the kitchen.  Inside she opened the “MANAGER” door. Seeing the wandering, nearly headless corpse didnt seem to phase her, nor did the ghastly black, frostbitten face of Ray watching from the freezer. “Inside, Jack…move the bookcase. Were going to McGraths. ” She ordered, waving me into the small room with her gun. “You stay put. ” she directed her command toward Terry. I knew that I wasnt the strongest guy at my best, and as I entered the room and looked at the sturdy wooden book shelf in a state I would say was far from a hundred percent, I had my doubts. Still, I stepped to the right of the wooden fixture, and pressed my shoulder into it, being careful of my injured right arm. I pushed, and struggled, feeling the thing budge slightly. From behind me, as I inched the heavy bookcase away from the wall, I overheard the conversation that unfolded. “So youre the one whos walking out of here tonight? ” Terry asked. “Thats right. ” Penny responded. “I guess youre going to need these. Get rid of those cars out there. Take them to my junkyard, instructions to the crusher are on my desk. ” I heard him say, and heard the jingle of keys being tossed. “Jack? ” Penny asked me. I looked at the space Id made between the shelf and hidden door. “I think we can fit. Big guy may need a little more-” “Itll do. Step back. ” She ordered. I did as I was told. She approached the door, and placed a hand on the knob, all the while keeping the gun drawn. “Keep your eyes on my back…they shouldnt bother us. ” She said as she turned the knob and pushed the door open. A light plume of dust puffed out, and low moans filled the room, standing every hair on my body on end. It was a different sound than that of the crying babies, less confused and more sorrowful…tortured. “After you. ” Terry grunted at me after Penny had slipped through the doorway. I looked at him, trying to ask why we were doing what she told us with my eyes, but he returned a no nonsense look. “Move. ” He instructed. I shook my head side to side, and then followed Penny with hefty man and Abby in tow. The smell of dust and neglect punched me right in the nostrils the very moment I stepped through the threshold. A dim light thats source wasnt readily evident cast a dull glow, shrouding us in a small halo of illumination while a vast blackness spread out around it in every direction. Slowly, another round bulb of light sprouted a few feet before us. The sound of the low moaning was accompanied by the sound of something scraping along concrete, and a scurrying noise from above. Penny through a glance over her shoulder. “Keep moving. Stay in the bubbles. ” She said before taking steps into the next glowing circle. Once we were all within it, another began to form and the halo behind us blinked out. We followed our glowing path one ring of light at a time, all the while the groans and occasional pained screams grew louder as we moved toward the heinous noises. The room we were passing through must have been enormous, as we were eight halos into our journey before it deviated. A light shined to our right as the bulb grew to accommodate us, and without missing a beat, Penny turned and guided us down the new path. Thats when the sounds being produced by those unseen things began to react to us. The moans seemed to surround us, and the scraping sounds became louder…and a symphony of labored breathing joined in. There must have been so many of them. I became so enamoured with the noises, that I didnt immediately register that the glowing halos were erupting steadily quicker, and fading just as fast. In my efforts to keep up, I didnt realize that I was growing closer and closer to the right hand edge of the circles as we stepped from one to another. We must have just stepped into the twenty-somethingth ring when my hand broke through the safety of the light, and I felt what I can only describe as a warm, wet, muscular tongue immediately begin delicately prodding the flesh of my fingers. I immediately drew in my hand, and let out a yelp as I stumbled backwards, grasping my sticky, saliva drenched digits. My stumble quickly became a fall and I tumbled to the floor outside of the halo. Outside of the glow, the inky blackness became less unfocused, and I was able to clearly see the world around me. The room was huge, and concrete. Ancient product racks littered the area in varying degrees of degradation. Rust and moss fought for control of the dank space, and I saw that the crimson lumination emanated from the red veiny fungus that grew up the high walls. I followed one of the web-like strands from its thin tip down its branching and widening body to its base where the wall and floor met. The huge mass of fleshy mold bulged and retracted as if breathing, and I saw that the entire base of the room was surrounded by the grotesque clump of slimy, pulsating tumorous protrusion. I also saw the source of the moans…they were all around me, hundreds of macabre forms. Some of the former people dragged heavy chains that bound their wrists, explaining the scraping sounds. Every one of them looked mutilated in various, horrific ways. They all turned their faces toward me, and I saw that the bearded man nearest me was thin. Not as in emaciated, but like hed been flattened by a steamroller. The bones of his skull frayed outward leaving black, cracked wounds across his face, his teeth jutted in every direction, and his ribcage lacked any kind of outward bulge. The phantoms seemed to be different from the others…ghostly white and near transparent. They also appeared to be in a different state…neither fully aware nor as absent as the Residuals. They reacted to my intrusion. One, a young girl in a bonnet, actually raised her arm in what could have been a wave, yet they made no attempt to communicate or approach. They simply stared and continued milling about. I looked upon the sea of faces as I stood, and saw that they ranged from those wearing a Klan getup, to others like the girl in the bonnet and the flat man in overalls. There were generations there, all packed tightly into the large floor of the eldritch department store, and they all looked at me with the same unsettling look that was a mixture of reverence and pity. I turned to step back into the light only to find it gone. I scanned the area around me, and found nothing besides the forest of translucent souls staring back at me, and one much more solid form. Looking at me with eyes full of mischief was Wally. Most of him, anyway. His lower jaw was missing, in its place a jagged, bloody hole from which is tongue dangled limply. I became aware that the sticky viscous that coated my hand wasnt solely saliva. Wally silently raised his right hand, extending a single finger skyward, never breaking eye contact. Then, I heard a gruff whisper from above me… “Mommys here…” The almost imperceptible voice growled. The patter of wet flesh smacking concrete followed, and I glanced up in time to see a humanoid form using all four of its limbs to cling to the ceiling like a gecko. It was scurrying toward one of the walls, and I knew that the skinless looking thing had seen me too. I surveyed the large room, knowing I needed to seek cover immediately. I heard the wet smacks reach the wall and start rapidly descending before I spotted something that seemed better than shelter. a large staircase on the wall in front of me. I followed it upward with my eyes as I began my sprint toward it, and saw that it led to the second floor. I heard the smacks growing closer, and closer, and closer as I ran. The thing was just too fast, and would surely reach me before I made it to the stairs, and even if I did win the race, I didnt know for sure that the thing wouldnt follow. I weaved and dodged rust covered metal racks, running through the ghosts that stood in my way, all the while hearing the smacks closing the gap…they were right behind me just as I reached the base of the stairs, and thats when I felt the massive hand grab my throat. Hard. I was slammed into the stone wall next to the staircase. I kicked wildly while swinging my fists at the thick wrist that held me in place. “Not this time, buddy. ” The voice of Terry spoke before his grasp loosened and I was dropped to my knees. He adjusted the still unconscious Abby on his shoulder. I clutched at my throat and darted my eyes around to see that Id run back into the orb of light. The smacking patter was gone. I was back to relative safety. Relative, because when I looked up I saw that the barrel of Pennys revolver was pointed directly at me, her hand shaking. “Jesus, Jack…” She started, but her train of thought faltered as the entire staircase lit up, our safety bubble extended the full length. At the top of the steps sat a large, wooden door. Terry “helped” me to my feet by grabbing my carved up right arm and dragging me to a standing position before shoving me up the first few steps just behind Penny. She was walking dreamily, gun dangling to her side. Terry followed me, and the four of us ascended the creaky, dust covered, discolored wooden steps. I examined the wall as we climbed, and the more I looked at the fungus that snaked itself up the concrete and entwined itself on the stairs…up close it looked less like ivy and more like flesh. The thinnest tendrils even seemed to move, albeit nearly microscopically. Wed reached the top of the flight, and Penny eagerly grabbed the tarnished brass knob and pushed the door open. I prayed that the second floor wouldnt be anything like the first…but in a way, it was even worse. No protective halo there, as once we stepped out of our safety vestibule, droning fluorescent bulbs crackled to life above us, brightening the entirety of the level. The thin, red tentacles gripped this floors walls, too. They choked the once white washed walls and seemed to converge near a door at the end of the room. The horror was immediately revealed when the Nylon Man…the Night Surgeon… looked up at us with his blank face. He was seated, cross-legged. I was immediately thankful that the red haired corpse lying on its side before him that he was prodding with a scalpel had her back to me. At least I could pretend that I didnt know that it was the lifeless body of Katie. Still, I retched at the sight of the small, blood soaked burlap sack that sat next to him. “Jack…” Penny said, apparently sensing my heartache. “…Lets go. Cmon. ” She urged without raising the weapon. “Im not leaving this place, am I? ” I asked, watching the other creatures lumber around the room, shuffling around or crawling near their creator. Mannequins, all wearing blood stained bags over their heads. Some of them dragged themselves along with a single human leg, others dragged their faux bodies with human fingers. One stood out to me as particularly disturbing. It was a human torso with mannequin arms and legs attached to its fleshy body, and it struggled to move the stiff, joint-less legs, resulting in a fall. It tumbled forward, face planting on the floor where it proceeded to wriggle and squirm, unable to right itself thanks to the fake arms it had been cursed with. “Move, Jack-” Terry started, but I suddenly felt my blood hit a boiling point and I snapped, directing my anger toward Penny. “Tell me why! Why did you want me to come here? Why did did Katie need to die? What the FUCK do you want from me you crazy bitch? ” I shouted, and she aimed the gun at me and took a defensive stance. “Walk. Now. ” She said firmly, pointing toward the back of the large room of horror to a nondescript door. “You want to know why, youll find out in there. GO! ” She yelled, and Terry seemed to echo her sentiment as he placed his free palm on my shoulder, turned me in the correct direction, and gave me a shove. I was unsure if either of them had heard Abby whimper, but I did. I felt the revolvers barrel press into the small of my back. I was marched past the horrible visages in the Night Surgeons nest. Forced to pass by the mutilated remains of my wife as the nylon cloaked fucker watched me. I steeled myself as we passed, refusing to give him the satisfaction. I didnt even blink when he drove the scalpel into her cheek. Just beyond the demented doctor sat the door. I saw that the flecks of golden enamel that remained on the door once read “Robert McGrath”. Penny jabbed the gun into my lower back, the smell of her blueberry perfume intermingling with the putrid smell of rot and decay that wafted through the large room. “Open it. ” She demanded. I turned the knob and pressed forward. The door creaked open, revealing a lone, naked light bulb dangling from the ceiling in the center of the room. It gently swayed, and the shifting light it cast gave the area a shimmery aura. Otherworldly. Surreal. A large, sturdy desk stood near the far wall, the only items atop its glossy surface was a large glass ashtray and an antique radio, from which the soothing, energetic notes of Scott Joplins “Swipesy Cakewalk” played softly. The walls of the room were adorned with long faded photographs, their glass cracked and chipped, frames rusted or otherwise unsound. The wooden floor creaked and groaned with each step we took toward the oddly clean desk, behind which a large leather chair had its back to us. The chair, along with the two smaller ones on our side of the desk, was well worn with popped seams and the black finish covering the hide was cracked and faded. The unmistakable aroma of cigar smoke drifted through the room, and from behind the chair turned away from us, I saw a thin trail of smoke rising toward the ceiling. “Everyone is here. When are we doing this? ” Terry asked, sliding Abby from his shoulder into one of the frail looking chairs on our side of the desk. From the large chair stood a figure. His back was to us for a moment, as if enjoying the view from the bricked up windows he faced. Then, he turned. His jet-black hair was parted to the side, and his two-button blazer covered the majority of his black dress shirt and matching tie. He gently placed the cigar he held into the ashtray where it continued to smolder before adjusting the silver cufflinks on his wrists. His eyes slowly moved over each of us. First me, then Terry, followed by the slumped form of Abby, and finally landing on Penny, who smiled that huge, bubbly smile at the man. His appearance had slightly changed, but his square jaw and manicured facial stubble remained. There was no mistaking it. “Hello, love. ” Patrick Abernathy said to the beaming girl.   Part 7 Painto Presents.

Windows on the worldq1123. God wasn't there. Prev: March 3rd, 2021 The episode opens on a small house in the middle of the Australian Outback. In the distance, we can see the skyline of New Canberra, standing proud and tall against the setting sun. Meggys Jeep then comes into shot, it stops next to what appears to be an old restaurant drive-thru speaker. SMG4: Were here. The old speaker roars into life, several specks of dust are blown from its boxy frame. Speaker: radio static* Welcome to Moo Moo Milk, what can we get you today? Meggy was about to respond when SMG4 hushes her. SMG4 mouths the words “Allow me”. He climbs over the glove box and sits on Meggys lap, who is extremely taken aback by the sudden change in events. SMG4: leans out of the Jeeps window and looks at the speaker* I want to kill Justin Bieber. The red light on the speakers front turns green. With a hiss of hydraulic pistons and the grinding of gears, the ground in front of the Jeep opened up and slopped downwards into what appeared to be an underground bunker. Meggy was amazed, however there was something that bothered her. Meggy: Anti-Justin Bieber jokes? Really dude? SMG4: This base hasnt been used in more than half a decade. The memes here are beyond dead. Lets go, were still in view of the freeway, remember? Meggy nods in understanding. She slow pushes down on the accelerator and the Jeep edged slowly, but surely, into the bunker. Once they were gone, a red BMW rears its hood out from behind some bushes. Inside the BMW are Mario, Luigi, Bob and Saiko. Luigi: Guys, are you really sure you want to go through with this? SMG4 made it abundantly clear that he didnt want us to come. Bob: OF COURSE, WERE DOING THIS SHIT, LUIGI! SMG4 STILL HAS A MOVIE ABOUT MY AMAZING WOMEN COLLECTING ADVENTURES TO MAKE! Saiko: Plus, SMG4 is our friend and we dont want anything bad to happen- Mario lets out a mocking laugh. He then turns to Saiko. Mario: You dont give two shits about SMG4, youre only here to see if Meggy is okay! Luigi: Marios right. Ever since Anime Island, youve been very protective of Meggy. Why is that? Saiko blushes, but surprisingly, Bob comes to her defence. Bob: SAIKO HAS HER REASONS, AND WHETHER SHE WANTS TO SHARE THEM WITH US IS HER CHOICE. ANYWAY, WE NEED TO GET A MOVE ON! Mario: Okie Dokie! The BMW slowly emerges from the bushes, its tires moving in a tip-toe motion. The car snuck behind the speaker, completely unnoticed. Mario: he gives the bird to the speaker* Suck my dick! Luigi: MARIO SHUT UP! Luigi drags Mario back from the window as the speaker suddenly turns around. Speaker: What was that noise? The speaker stares at the BMW for a moment before… Speaker: Nah, its probably nothing. *it turns back around* The BMW slowly tip-toes down the ramp and into the bunker. The entrance slamming shut behind them. We cut to black. We fade into the next shot, which is Meggys Jeep parked next a bunch of other vehicles of all shapes and sizes. In the distance, we see a yellow light and two silhouettes standing in the middle of it. The silhouettes belong to SMG4 and Meggy and the lights origin is the marketplace of the YTRs HQ. The marketplace is like something ripped straight out of Lord of the Rings or The Legend of Zelda. Shops and stalls of all shapes and sizes were all lined up along either side of a great hallway. SMG4 and Meggy slowly make their way down the hallway. SMG4 had a look of joyful nostalgia on his face, while Meggy was completely blown away by the shear scope of the place. Shopkeeper #1: Weapons for sale! Ive got throw knives, rubber knives, rusty knives, get em while their hot! Shopkeeper #2: HEY ALL! GET YOUR MASKS HERE! IVE GOT POOPACHU MASK, EVERYONE LOVES POOPACHU! THEIR GOING FAST, BETTER BUY ONE NOW! Come on, please just buy… *fades out as the camera pans by* When SMG4 and Meggy are about halfway through the market, a voice catches their attention. Hey! Im talkin to you! SMG4 turns around to see X and FM, running after him. FM: Hey mate, long time, no see. X: I mean, I see him and Mario at least once a year, but still. SMG4: X! FM! Its great to see you again. *he shakes Xs hand before giving FM a high-five* The old friends share a quick laugh before FM notices Meggy. FM: eyebrow wiggle* Hello, what have we here? Meggys eyes narrow and she growls like a tiger. FM jumps and hides behind X, who looks thoroughly unamused. SMG4: This is… Meggy, a friend of Marios. X: Meggy, huh? Youre the winner of last years Splatfest, correct? Meggy: Oh, um… Yeah, thats right. Wait, you follow the Splatfests? X: Of course, only when theres nothing good on TV at least. Why you ask? Meggy: Well… Its just that… I didnt think that humans watched Inkling television. I always thought that they couldnt take the hardcore action. There is a brief silence before… FM: Wow, thats racist. X: Be quiet! Anyway, I assume you got the letter too? SMG4 nods solemnly. Meggy also looks down to the floor, downcast. FM: Aye, sad day for all of us. I never liked Starman, but Id never wish a fate like that upon anyone. X: Really? FM: What? X: You just had to word it like that? FM: What? X: You just insulted the man whose funeral we were invited to! FM: Oh… Narrator: It was at this moment that he knew… he fucked up. Another brief silence before… FM: Im just going to go beat up some jaywalkers. *he quickly scuttles away* As SMG4, Meggy and X watch FM power-walk away, Meggy felt a slight tapping on her shoulder. Hey kid. Meggy turns around to see a pink inkling standing behind her, a friendly smile on her face. The inkling was slightly overweight, but her muscular arms and legs showed that she could be just as strong as Meggy. The inkling took Meggys hand and shook it. Clauds: The names LizzietheRatcicle, but my mates call me Clauds. Its a pleasure to finally meet you Miss. Spletzer. Meggy: Oh… Well, the pleasure is all mine. *she blushes a little before winking at Clauds* Behind Clauds appears Alex Spider and Geofcraze634. SMG4 is more then happy to see his old friends. SMG4: I see you started letting some Splatoon GMODers into the Rangers. X: Yeah, well you dont really see any new Super Mario 64 Machinimists out in the wild these days. Just then, the sound of church bells could be heard in the distance and everything went quiet. It didnt take long for SMG4 to figure out what the bells signified. Starmans funeral was beginning. SMG4: Its starting. Come on guys, we wouldnt want to be late. Everyone nods in agreement and, with SMG4 leading the way, their little makeshift group made their way towards the sound of the bells. Nobody noticed Mario, Luigi, Bob and Saiko peak out from behind an empty stall. Mario: Oooohhh… Mario knows where we are now. This is the base of the YouTube Rangers. Saiko: The what? Luigi: It was a club that SMG4 was a member of for the longest time. The question is, why is he here? Mario: Dont worry guys, Mario as a friend on the inside. Bob: WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT MARIO? Mario: I made a few friends here back when SMG4 visited the place frequently. One of them was a guy named Bill who- Mario was cut short by a loud bang! He, Luigi, Bob and Saiko all turn around to see a TF2 Heavy dressed in a black suit standing behind them. And he did not look happy. Two More Heavies appear on either side of them. Luigi, Bob and Saiko all look horrified while Mario had a confident smirk on his face. Mario: Ah, here he is. How you been doing, Bill? he holds out his hands* Alright take us away. Saiko: MARIO, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? As the Heavies restrained and tied the crews wrists with rope, Mario explains his plan. Mario: Its simple, while Bill takes us to this places dungeon, Mario will strike up a friendly conversation. Soon Bill and his buddies will see the funny side of it and let us go, presumably spreading the word to the rest of guards that we mean no harm and well be aloud to explore without a care in the world. Bob: BRUH, ARE YOU INSANE? Saiko: Do you really want me to answer that? Mario lets out a mighty laugh, proud of his cunning plan. He then turns back to the lead Heavy, apparently Bill. Mario: Hey Bill did you get… taller? And when did you get that… scar? You, uh, didnt have a scar… *his eyes widen* This might not be Bill… Nope, this isnt Bill. Luigi: voice crack* WHAT? We cut to black. We fade into a shot of a framed picture of Starman3 sat atop a white casket. We zoom out to see that were inside a large church, hundreds of people sit in the chairs on either side of the chapel, all paying their respects to the deceased. Its made clear that some time has passed, and the service is just wrapping up. We see that MarioMario54321 (AKA Richard "Ricky" Mizos. We shall be referring to him as Ricky in this transcript) himself is about to give his eulogy. As Ricky prepares his speech, we cut over to where SMG4 and Meggy are sitting. Trying to be as respectful as possible, Meggy leans over and whispers something to SMG4. Meggy: You two were… close? SMG4: nods* We were best friends, Starman and I. We went on so many adventures together, the one with the Ender Dragon comes to mind. He also taught me how to apply green effects in my videos correctly. Just then, the chapel silences as Ricky begins his eulogy. Ricky: May the light of your soul guide you. May the light of your soul bless the work you do with the secret love and warmth of your heart. May you see in what you do the beauty of your own soul. May the sacredness of your work bring healing, light and renewal to those who work with you and to those who see and receive your work. May your work never weary you. May it release within you wellsprings of refreshment, inspiration and excitement. May you be present in what you do. May you never become lost in the bland absences. May the day never burden you. May dawn find you awake and alert, approaching your new day with dreams, possibilities and promises. May evening find you gracious and fulfilled. May you go into the night blessed, sheltered and protected. May your soul calm, console and renew you. Ricky bows a thank you to his audience before walking off stage. There is a hiss of steam and a clatter of chains as two small cranes lower Starman3s casket into a large hole in the ground. The casket disappears into the darkness and everyone present bows their heads in silence respect. A few hours later, some of the YTRs security Heavies had brought out dinner for the guests. SMG4 and Meggy were already began helping themselves to the cream pies being served when SMG4 felt someone place their hand on his shoulder. SMG4 turns to see Ricky greeting him. Ricky: Mr. Lerdwichagul, we need to talk. My office, ASAP. Ricky then walks away. SMG4 turns to Meggy who had seen everyone. The two nod in agreement and, together, they power-walk after Ricky. Rickys office wasnt hard to find, as the door was covered in signs that read “Only enter when you have an appointment! ” and “Entry by Unauthorized Personal is Prohibited! ” and “THAT INCLUDES YOU MUM! ” among others. Once they find the door, SMG4 carefully clutched the door-knob and turned it. The door creaked slowly open. Rickys office wasnt the most organized one in the world (as documents and different video-making software littered the ground) however, it did succeed in conveying the power the man had. SMG4 and Meggy found Ricky busy pushing the junk on his floor to one side, creating a clear path from the door to his desk. SMG4: You… wanted to see me? Ricky jumped, its clear that he wasnt expecting SMG4 so soon. Quickly, he got up from the floor and scuttled over to his desk, taking a seat at it. Directly behind him was a large window, which could be considered completely pointless as the base was built underground. Ricky: Uh… Welcome SMG4. Please take a seat. *he gestures to the two wooden chairs on the other side of his desk* SMG4 mutters a thank you as he and Meggy take their seats. For a moment, the three just stared at one another before Ricky broke the silence. Ricky: Im so sorry for your loss. SMG4: Yeah, well… Its not just my loss, all the Rangers lost something today. Meggy smiles to herself, she was proud of how maturely SMG4 was handling the situation. Ricky then turns his attention to Meggy. Ricky: SMG4, who is this? Meggy flinches, as if she had done something wrong, despite knowing full well that she was in the clear. SMG4: Oh, this is Meggy. Shes my plus one (and my ride) the invitation you sent out said we could be a plus one remember? Ricky looks closely at SMG4, then to Meggy. Ricky: sighs* Alright, as long as shes the only one of your little gang youve brought with, then Im fine with her hearing what I have to say. SMG4: Oh, dont worry. The rest of my friends are still the Mushroom Kingdom, they aint anywhere near here. At that moment, the door burst open and Mario, Luigi, Bob and Saiko were chucked inside by a group of Heavies. Heavy: Sir, Heavy found intruders! SMG4, Meggy and Ricky were utterly shocked by the sudden appearance of the former twos friends. As Mario dizzily got up onto his feet, he saw SMG4, Meggy and Ricky staring at him. Mario: AH CRAP! trying to sound casual* Hey guys… Wonderful… weather were having? In this… underground… city… Meggy and Ricky just look at the scene in disappointment. SMG4, on the other hand, was boiling with anger! Quick as a flash, he rushed over to Mario and lifted him into the air by the straps of his overalls! SMG4: I CLEARLY TOLD YOU NOT TO FOLLOW US! I SHOULDVE TOLD YOU TO PURSUE US NO MATTER WHAT CAUSE, CLEARLY, YOU ONLY DO THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT I SAY! Bob: HOLY TITS, SMG4S GONE MAD! Mario: Wait! Wait! This was all Saikos idea! Luigi: Marios telling the truth! Saiko was the first to suggest we follow you. Saiko then kicks Luigi so hard that he is sent flying! Saiko: BE QUIET! Suddenly, Saiko felt SMG4s come to rest on her shoulder. She turns her head to see SMG4, with a huge twisted grin on his face and shrunken pupils, staring at her. SMG4: in the most friendly, yet disturbing, tone of voice* Saiko… Explain yourself… Meggy and Ricky just watch on in shock. Ricky: Jesus, if this is how every single parent feels, I now have much more pity for them. Meggy: You and me both. A few disciplinary actions and explaining later… Mario, Luigi, Bob and Saiko sat on the office floor, disgraced and ashamed, behind the chairs which SMG4 and Meggy sat upon. Ricky just shook his head in disappointment before finally breaking the awkward silence. Ricky: Well then, I guess I have no choice but to explain the situation while these four are present. SMG4: Richard, Im so sorry about this. I shouldve- Ricky: raises hand* No need to apologize SMG4. Remember, I met Mario at the 2011 Blooper Competition, Ive seen how much of a handful he can be. Mario: HEY! Ill have you know that Mario has 100000IQ! Ricky: Oh really? he leans forwards in his chair* Name every continent. Mario thought for a moment before giving his answer. Mario: Pingas. Ricky just stares at Mario. Ricky: Eh, close enough. *he leans back in his chair* Now then, onto the reason why I called you here, specifically, SMG4. Only your copy of the invitation mentioned anything about what Im about to tell you two- Sorry, six. SMG4: The letter mentioned something about something arriving in the country? Whats that about? And why did you call upon me specifically? Ricky: Because you and your friends have previous experience dealing with world-ending disasters. I wouldnt go as far as to say this situation is just as disastrous as something like the Evil Star or Waluigi, but left unchecked, that will be when our real problems begin. Meggy: What are you trying to tell us? Bob: YEAH, ITS PRETTY CLEAR THAT YOUR JUST PROCRASTINATING TO BOOT THE VIDEOS LENGTH TO TEN MINUTES. Saiko: And, whatever this thing is, how did you discover it? I thought you were just some group of YouTubers. Ricky: I stumbled upon this completely by accident, though I wish I didnt. This revelation gave me the motivation to get in contact with you again, SMG4. Ricky took in a deep breath and sighed. Ricky: The Wrath have returned! Everyone, but Saiko, gasps, their skin turning pale as the gravity of the situation sunk in. Saiko: Wait, what? I dont get it, who are the Wrath? Mario: Only the most dangerous and blood thirsty group of bounty hunters New Australia has ever seen! Bob: YEAH! THEY HAVE A 100% KILL RATE AND DELIVER ON ANY JOB THEIR GIVEN! Meggy: And worse of all- Luigi: No one knows their true identities. They always work in the shadows. Saiko lowered her head in thought. Saiko: And… If Mario and Bob of all people take these guys seriously, then- SMG4: Then were in big trouble. Ricky: Indeed. And apparently, theyre not working only. I… (Oh dear God, I have to actually admit to this) he shudders* I accidentally walked into the ladies bathroom- Mario howls with laughter, but the angry glares from his friends quickly shut him up. Ricky: where I found an octoling making a phone call to her client. She had made the mistake of putting the call on speaker and the moment the voice on the other line referred to himself as “The Wrath”, I knew I had to warn you. There is a moment of dread-filled silence. Meggy: So… The Wrath have hired octolings to deal with their dirty work. SMG4: Lets not forget that The Wrath are bounty hunters themselves. Meaning that someone, higher up on the food chain, put them up to this. Hell, we dont even have a remote clue of what “this” is. Ricky: Well I have a theory. Not about what their plan is, but about who hired them. SMG4 and friends lean in closer as Ricky took a deep breath and explained his theory. Ricky: A few months ago, a NASA telescope spotted something near- Suddenly, there was distinct ‘ping sound. Rickys eyes widened as he grasped the back of his neck with his hand. With a quiet yelp of pain, Ricky pulled out a dart from the back of his neck. A dart that was drenched in a purple liquid! The blood of a Poison-type Pokémon! Ricky: Motherfu- Rickys eyes then rolled into the back of his skull and he fell flat onto the desk. The SMG4 gang looked on, horrified at what they had just witnessed. But now that Rickys body wasnt blocking their view of the office window, they could see a man, clad in Star Wars Stormtrooper armour and a jetpack, aiming a sniper rifle directly at their heads! Meggy: GET DOWN! Both Meggy and SMG4 jumped from their seats and, together, pushed the desk onto its side, turning it into a makeshift shield! The sniper unloaded a complete round of not darts but bullets into the office! The glass of the window was completely shattered, the wallpaper and furniture torn to shreds and bullets and flying shrapnel narrowly missed the heads of our heroes! Bob: a bullet tears a long gash across the top of his hood* HEY! WATCH WHERE YOUR SHOOTING THAT THING! Finally, the sniper ran out of bullets. The SMG4 Gang was still alive and, realizing this, cursed under his breath. Sniper: I missed! he then raises his fist to the sky* RUN BITCH! RRRRUUUUNNN! With a burst of hot air, the snipers jetpack roared into life and he took off into the air. Mario and Luigi poked their heads out from behind the desk to see if the coast was clear. Once they were sure of it, Mario laughed triumphantly. Mario: YEAH! YOU BETTER RUN! Saiko: WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE! SMG4: WAIT! SMG4 then hops out form behind the desk and looks upon its shredded top until he found a big green button with white letters that read “WERE F#CKED”. SMG4 slams his fist down on the button. At that moment, the sounds of WWII air-raid sirens echoed across the YTRs base. Everyone in the base stopped what they were doing and looked to the direction of the siren, their face slowly filling with dread. FM, who was nose-deep in candy-floss by then, looked up from his meal at the sound. FM: unamused sigh* Not again. X: pops up from behind FM* EVACUATE! We cut back to the SMG4 Gang, who are bolting out of Rickys office. Everyone except SMG4. Luigi: SMG4! COME ON, WE NEED TO GO! Bob: DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH OR SOMETHING, GOD DAMNIT! SMG4 didnt pay Luigi or Bob any attention, he was focused on the lifeless and cold body of his old friend, MarioMario54321. SMG4 walked over to him and placed his hand on Rickys face. SMG4 dragged his fingers over Rickys eyelids, shutting them. SMG4: Im sorry… But I wont let you die in vain. With that, SMG4 quickly got back up and ran after his friends. The camera lingers on Rickys still face…. Before we smash cut to the surface above the YTRs base. Vehicles of all shapes and sizes (Presumably all of them are owned by members of the YTR) are all zipping and zooming in different directions! Cars and trucks skidded and drifted on the sandy ground, planes and helicopters dodged and ducked, their pilots trying their best not to cause a collision. Suddenly, a large Titainc-styled steam ship appears out of nowhere and tears through the sand as fast as it could! Ship: WERE ALL GONNA DIE! Not bothering to get back her Jeep, Meggy lead the other up the entrance ramp and back up to the surface, the cold wind of the desert night hitting them like a punch in the face! Trying to take in the utter chaos surrounding them, Meggy spotted the speaker holding a pen and paper (despite it having no hands. Speaker: Dear Santa, I have been a good boy. I DID NOT ASK FOR THIS! Suddenly, Meggy spotted a lone helicopter sitting in the distance sand dunes. She also spotted the sniper climbing inside! Meggy: OVER THERE! she points to the helicopter* Mario and Saiko: GET THAT MOFO! With that, the SMG4 Gang bolted towards the helicopter as fast as they could. The sniper then just happened to look over his shoulder and see a group of six angry looking people making a beeline for his chopper! The sniper let out a high-pitch scream before turning to the helicopters pilot. Sniper: We have to get out of here, start the car! Pilot: But- Sniper: I SAID GET IN THE FUCKING CAR! The helicopters rotter-blades roared into life and it slowly lifted off the ground. Sniper: GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! SMG4: HES GETTING AWAY! It was too late. By the time our heroes reached the helicopter, it was already high in the night sky, leaving the chaos behind. And there, only full display on the helicopters underbelly, was the W shaped mark of The Wrath. Smash cut to black as the episode ends. Next.

Windows on the world book. On a recent trip back from Orlando to Dallas, I [52] made a connection to another aircraft in Atlanta. The connection was on time and everything seemed routine. I was able to board the connection aircraft before most of the other passengers and ended up in the exit row - the coveted seats for those of us who are tall. I was sitting in the window seat and a teenage kid was sitting in the aisle seat. The middle seat was open. As the passengers continued to board and was quite full, up the aisle came a young couple who were talking with each other softly. She was not memorable, but he was tall and blonde with dark eyes and a fit body that his Nike compression shirt accentuated. As they passed my exit row, I glanced to see what was happening below the waist and was pleased to catch a glimpse of Nike golf pants. I quickly extrapolated the obvious data to conclude that this guy must be a golfer. They continued on up the aisle toward the rear of the aircraft; the middle seat in the exit row remained open. As happens on many flights, eventually the seats get filled and those passengers who have rampaged toward the back of the aircraft have to return to the front. I turned to watch the impending melee as the flight attendant made the "no more seats available at the back, so sit wherever you find an open seat" announcement. Back up the aisle came a few passengers including the golfer guy. He and I made eye contact and I gestured at the empty seat beside me. He smiled and sat. I couldn't have been more pleased. At closer look, he appeared to be in his mid-20's and had just a bit of stubble. We made small talk while waiting for the plane to pull away from the gate, and his gentle southern accent charmed me. I asked him if he wanted me to trade seats with his wife so they could sit together, and he thanked me for the offer but said that she was just his girlfriend. We settled in for the flight. I was wearing a pair of khaki shorts and a t-shirt as one does when flying domestically in steerage. I'm a big boy, so I tend to manspread when I get comfortable. This means that my bare left knee would graze his right knee from time to time. He didn't seem to mind that, so, eventually, we ended up just letting our knees touch. He was very attractive. I mean, if I were to have seen this guy on Grindr or a "rate me" site, I'd have messaged him just for the hell of it to see if he wanted to chat with me. And here I was, and older man sitting next to a fit and sexy guy who was happy to keep his knee firmly pressed against mine. I felt a tingle in my groin when I first saw him coming up the aisle, but now that we were in physical contact, I was fully hard and not trying to keep my bulge hidden from him. I adjusted myself a couple of times to make my fullness visible to him. Each time I did that, he looked. Soon, he was adjusting himself, as well. I had a feeling that can only be equated to the lustful fog that I had with my very first same-sex experience. There was a tingling just below my sternum, a warm feeling all over my body, and a sensation in my crotch that made me feel as close to ejaculation as I could get without actually jizzing. I knew that I was leaking, but I didn't care. I wanted to touch him with more than my knee, so I reached down ostensibly to scratch my knee but wanting to rub his knee on the sly. I scratched for a few seconds feeling the warmth of his leg on the backside of my hand. It was very satisfactory. What happened next was not expected: after I finished scratching, he reached down to do the same thing! He scratched his knee and actually felt my bare knee with the back of his hand. Electrifying! So, having felt another man's hand on on my body in even such a limited way, I desired more. I scratched again for a longer period of of time, luxuriating in the sensation and warmth. When I finished, he did the same and ended with a quick caress of my knee with his hand. so quick that it was hardly a touch but still enough to keep the juices flowing. He could clearly see my bulge when it it throbbed. He didn't even make a pretense of appearing to not look; he was fixated on it. And I was fixated on the shape and position of his bulge that was pointed in my direction and was a lovely college boy thickness and length. The way the light played off it in those pants made of shiny synthetic fibers spoke life into my soul. For those moments, each of us was enjoying the presence of the other. There was no telling how the situation would have been playing out differently if we were seated, say, in a doctor's office or in a darkened theater. He took the inflight magazine and opened it to, I suppose, use it as a shield to protect our antics from the guy sitting in the aisle seat who had on headphones and seemed oblivious to us from the get-go. I put my right hand on the left armrest in an attempt to suss out whether he would be down with more physical contact than just our knees. When he took my hand and guided it down to his thigh, I knew that he was certainly interested. I felt of his thigh feeling that strong quadriceps while making eye contact with him, then I slowly slid my hand up to his hard cock and felt of it. He responded with a sigh. I'm telling you, I touched every square centimeter of him: his balls, the length of his dick, and the head. He was throbbing the entire time. I wondered if he was leaking just like I was. I thought about his "girlfriend" in the back and wondered what sort of relationship they had. Was it similar to the one my wife and I had before I came out to her? Was he a young closeted gay man who, like me, found this same-sex encounter to be thrilling and stimulating - a once-in-a-lifetime inflight encounter that one only reads about but never truly experiences? Was he a straight man who, when realizing that the guy sitting next to him was hard and leaking with a precum spot on his shorts, started to delve into those gay wonders about which he had been curious since high school shower rooms? I started to stroke him gently under the opened magazine. It was risky as hell, all of this touching that was going on, but I was going to continue as long as he was offering his cock to me. When I'm browsing the Internet and read "rock hard" as it pertains to dick, I will forever now think of how his solid rail felt felt in my hand. Ah, the strength of youth! Further, he was very much into the feeling of being stroked and exhibited a beautiful expression of both rest and bliss. All too soon, we began our descent into Dallas. I didn't intend for him to cum in his pants, but, to be honest, I wouldn't have been disappointed if he had. I believe he was drawing close to orgasm when he suddenly leaned forward and whispered "Stop. with a sense of urgency. From that point in the flight for the next 20 minutes, he remained in that position as shifted between looking out the window to looking at my expanded precum spot. I think he wanted to make his erection go down so that when he got ready to get off the plane, he'd be back to his normal state. I found that even more stimulating because based on what I could see, he still seemed very hard. We touched down in Dallas at Love Field. By this time, he had resumed sitting in an upright position (the flight attendant had told him to sit up during final descent) but was still relatively hard. I whispered to him that I'd be happy to finish him off in a bathroom stall in the terminal. He replied that his girlfriend would be with him and it would be difficult. I suggested that I get off the plane first and wait at the bathroom nearest to the gate. If when he got off the plane with his girlfriend he commented aloud to her that he had to use the bathroom, I would follow him in and we'd complete the deed in a stall. If he passed by with his ladyfriend and didn't stop, then we wouldn't finish him off. I got off the plane, shielding my wet spot with my backpack. I stood by the bathroom checking my phone trying to not be obvious but still wanting to be aware of my surroundings so that I wouldn't miss the opportunity. Soon, here they came, and he told her that he needed to stop in to the bathroom. SCORE! I followed not too closely and turned the corner to see a madhouse of a bathroom. There were guys already using the stalls, guys in line for the stalls, guys in line for urinals, guys everywhere. My boy stepped up to the farthest urinal and I was left wondering how we would finish him. He stayed at the urinal for a minute, then came back over to the sinks with a look of regret on his face. "Looks like we're not going to be able to do it. he murmured. I agreed and told him that it had been a pleasure meeting him. He left the bathroom and I followed at a distance watching him and his girlfriend as they moved toward baggage claim. His ass was tight, my brothers. I was having thoughts. When I got back to my car which was parked at an offsite pay-to-park lot, the sun had set and darkness had set in. After I left the lot and began the drive home, I unzipped my shorts and jacked. Just like the first time when I masturbated and came (and we all remember our first time, no. in moments I had shot my load. This experience is now indelibly etched into the top five life moments for me. It's an experience that I didn't have to pay anything extra for yet one which gave me such a thrill for which I would easily have paid money. How much money? I have no idea how much surreptitious crotch rubs cost, so I cannot comment there. Yet, that hour-long connection has opened up a whole new world of desire and longing in my soul - desires and longings that must be fulfilled. My journey continues.

Windows on the World is an engaging film that captures viewers attention and relates the reality of millions of immigrants living in the U.S. It is a must watch. Windows on the world. Bishop is giving everone warning, Gods plan will previle he will take his children home. Very well~done, bravo. Windows on the world pictures. Windows on the world christian. Blessed are the humble for they shall inherit the earth. ”I am not blind, nor deaf. I know that you all believe me weak, frightened, feeble. Your father knew me better. Oberyn was ever the viper. Deadly, dangerous, unpredictable. No man dared tread on him. I was the grass. Pleasant, complaisant, sweet-smelling, swaying with every breeze. Who fears to walk upon the grass? But it is the grass that hides the viper from his enemies and shelters him until he strikes. Your father and I worked more closely than you know … but now he is gone. The question is, can I trust his daughters to serve me in his place. A Dance with Dragons – The Watcher Introduction Names like Ser Aerys Oakheart, Princess Arianne Martell, and Ser Balon Swann are foreign to show only watchers but exhibit the lack of effort given to the true Dornish plot of A Song of Ice and Fire. The lowest rated episode by viewers in the television series ‘Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken is titled with the words of House Martell. The Sandsnakes and Dornish were received as shallow and uninspired characters with no relevance. Their true natures and actions are massively underrated and will play a role in The Winds of Winter. I invite you to drop those prior thoughts and dive into the Deeper Dorne and a reeducation of the infamous older four of the eight daughters of Prince Oberyn Martell the Red Viper of Dorne and how they will play their part in events so come. The ruling family of Dorne consist of Prince Doran Martell, his royal consort Mellario of Norvos and their three children, heir Princess Arianne, Prince Quentyn, and Prince Trystane. The Sandsnakes are the 8 daughters of his brother Prince Oberyn who function as supporting characters in the Dornish plot, working under their father, uncle, and cousins to promote Dornish interest unlike the show where they called the shots. Our primary POVs into them are the Captain of Guards in Sunspear, Areo Hotah and a close companion of the Sandsnakes, their cousin Princess Arianne. Hotah studied each of them in turn. Obara, rusted nails and boiled leather, with her angry, close-set eyes and rat-brown hair. Nymeria, languid, elegant, olive-skinned, her long black braid bound up in red-gold wire. Tyene, blue-eyed and blond, a child-woman with her soft hands and little giggles. A Dance with Dragons – The Watcher Dangerous Women Obara Sand Obara. He knew her stride; long-legged, hasty, angry. In the stables by the gates, her horse would be lathered, and bloody from her spurs. She always rode stallions and had been heard to boast that she could master any horse in Dorne. and any man as well. Obara was the eldest Sand Snake, a big-boned woman near to thirty, with the close-set eyes and rat-brown hair of the Oldtown whore who'd birthed her. Obara Sand always walked too fast. She is chasing after something she can never catch, the prince had told his daughter once, in the captain's hearing. Beneath a mottled sandsilk cloak of dun and gold, her riding clothes were old brown leather, worn and supple. They were the softest things about her. On one hip she wore a coiled whip, across her back a round shield of steel and copper. She had left her spear outside. A Feast for Crowns - Captain of the Guards Boisterous and perpetually angry Obara chose the spear over tears at an early age. She is usually the first to act out of her siblings and often does so without much thought beforehand. Obara holds a deep seeded hate for Oldtown, the birthplace of her disgraced mother. Seeking the approval of her father Obara shows true loyalty to only he and her sisters and lacks respect for many others regardless of social rank. Nymeria Sand Nymeria Sand was five-and-twenty, and slender as a willow. Her straight black hair, worn in a long braid bound up with red-gold wire, made a widow's peak above her dark eyes, just as her father's had. With her high cheekbones, full lips, and milk-pale skin, she had all the beauty that her elder sister lacked. but Obara's mother had been an Oldtown whore, whilst Nym was born from the noblest blood of old Volantis. A dozen mounted spearmen tailed her, their round shields gleaming in the sun. They followed her down the dune. A Feast for Crows – Captain of the Guards She wore a gown of yellow silk so sheer and fine that the candles shone right through it to reveal the spun gold and jewels beneath. So immodest was her garb that the white knight seemed uncomfortable looking at her, but Hotah approved. Nymeria was least dangerous when nearly naked. Elsewise she was sure to have a dozen blades concealed about her person. A Dance with Dragons- The Watcher A princess is all but name, Lady Nym is the second eldest and most beautiful of the Sandsnakes. She is known to carry similar lust as her father, enjoying the company women sometimes two at a time. Inheriting Oberyns martials prowess as well, she wields blades all over her person. Calculating and regal, Nymeria commands the most respect of her siblings and is often the mouthpiece for the group. She has a close relationship with House Fowler who controls The Princes Pass, one of the two land passes into Dorne from the north. Tyene Sand She was sitting cross-legged on a pillow beneath the raised dais where the high seats stood, but she rose as they entered, dressed in a clinging gown of pale blue samite with sleeves of Myrish lace that made her look as innocent as the Maid herself. In one hand was a piece of embroidery she had been working on, in the other a pair of golden needles. Her hair was gold as well, and her eyes were deep blue pools. and yet somehow they reminded the captain of her father's eyes, though Oberyn's had been as black as night. All of Prince Oberyn's daughters have his viper eyes, Hotah realized suddenly. The color does not matter. Lady Tyene's voice was gentle, and she looked as sweet as summer strawberries. Her mother had been a septa, and Tyene had an air of almost otherworldly innocence about her. A Feast for Crows – Captain of the Guards ”Sisters, truly, I know the poison Father used. If his spear so much as broke the Mountain's skin, Clegane is dead, I do not care how big he was. Doubt your little sister if you like, but never doubt our sire. Lady Tyene smiled at that. Her soft, pale hands were as deadly as Obara's callused ones, if not more so. He watched her carefully, alert to every little flutter of her fingers. A Dance with Dragons – The Watcher Pious, proper, and poisonous Tyene Sand is the slyest of her sisters. Growing up as best friends with her cousin Princess Arianne, they know better than any the dangerous extent of one anothers allure. They two ladies learned to read together and shared their first man and drink. She always seems to have more information that what she lets on and shares Oberyns mastery of poisons and her mothers education as a septa from The Reach. Tyene maintains an innocent composure but remains as vengeful as her siblings. Sarella Sand My uncle brought me here, with Tyene and Sarella. The memory made Arianne smile. "He caught some vipers and showed Tyene the safest way to milk them for their venom. Sarella turned over rocks, brushed sand off the mosaics, and wanted to know everything there was to know about the people who had lived here. A Feast for Crows – The Queenmaker The prince considered. "Ellaria's girls are too young to be a danger, but there are those who might seek to use them against me. It would be best to keep them safe in hand. Yes, the little ones as well. but first secure Tyene, Nymeria, and Obara. As my prince commands. His heart was troubled. My little princess will mislike this. "What of Sarella? She is a woman grown, almost twenty. Unless she returns to Dorne, there's naught I can do about Sarella save pray that she shows more sense than her sisters. Leave her to her. game. Gather up the others. I shall not sleep until I know that they are safe and under guard. A Feast for Crows – Captain of the Guards How could you tell I was of noble birth. The same way you can tell that I'm half Dornish. The statement was delivered with a smile, in a soft Dornish drawl. A Feast for Crowns – Prologue Many speculate that that acolyte training alongside Samwell Tarly, “Lazy Leo” Tyrell, and Pate the Pigboy is Sarella under a male disguise (ALLERAS backwards. Alleras admits to a half Dornish, half Summer Islander heritage, the same as Sarella Sand. Alleras has great skill in archery as Summer Islanders are renowned for. Alleras has also made a quick friendship with Marwyn the Mage, an archmaster known to possess a Glass Candle and dabble in Dark Magic. Interesting enough, Sarella leaves Dorne during the events of either A Game of Thrones or A Storm of Swords meaning both Oberyn and Doran are aware of the plot and the Dornish have truly been working for some time to influence events in the story. The Four Pillar Theory Some of the tension went out of the prince. Hotah saw him sag back into his chair. He held out his hand, and Princess Arianne moved to his side to hold it. "Tell them, Father. Prince Doran took a jagged breath. "Dorne still has friends at court. Friends who tell us things we were not meant to know. This invitation Cersei sent us is a ruse. Trystane is never meant to reach King's Landing. On the road back, somewhere in the kingswood, Ser Balon's party will be attacked by outlaws, and my son will die. I am asked to court only so that I may witness this attack with my own eyes and thereby absolve the queen of any blame. Oh, and these outlaws? They will be shouting, Halfman, Halfman. as they attack. Ser Balon may even catch a quick glimpse of the Imp, though no one else will. Areo Hotah would not have believed it possible to shock the Sand Snakes. He would have been wrong. A Dance with Dragons – The Watcher The four pillars of Westeros society are the Crown, Military, the Faith, and the Citadel. The Iron Throne controls laws and economy, the military and lieges defend it, the Faith inspires the morality of the realm, and the maesters control information, education, and scientific progress. Prince Doran is aware of the unpredictable nature of his nieces and decides to place each of them in positions to learn these systems from the inside out and spread Dornish influence in each while seeking revenge for the death of their father. All the while Doran is playing every side in the current wars that surround his country. Prince Trystane has been betrothed to Princess Myrcella Baratheon, Princess Arianne has been sent to Storms End to meet with the suspected son of her late aunt Elia, f)Aegon Targaryen, and Prince Quentyn has been dispatched to Meereen to seek a marriage pact to Queen Daenerys Targaryen. Currently Dorne has a hand in nearly every cookie jar of southern politics in Westeros and many of Dorans overcooked plans will start to bear fruit very soon via his children and overzealous nieces. The Crown – Lady Nym The time is not yet come for Dorne to openly defy the Iron Throne, so we must need return Myrcella to her mother, but I will not be accompanying her. That task will be yours, Nymeria. The Lannisters will not like it, no more than they liked it when I sent them Oberyn, but they dare not refuse. We need a voice in council, an ear at court. Be careful, though. King's Landing is a pit of snakes. Lady Nym smiled. "Why, Uncle, I love snakes. A Dance with Dragons – The Watcher The fued between the Reach and Dorne goes back thousands of years from invasions, assassinations, and growing disdain between the two regions igniting with recent events. Although Willas Tyrell found forgiveness for the jousting incident that left him crippled Mace Tyrell has not let it go that Oberyn Martell injured his heir decades prior to the start of the story. Going so far as to having a full fledge meltdown in A Storm of Swords when its announced that the Dornish would be attending Margaerys wedding and now have their own seat on the Small Council. Mace will have a jarring reaction to the bastard daughter of Oberyn taking over the seat on the now Reachmen heavy council. More so because before Kevan Lannister can inform the council members of her arrival he is murdered by Varys so he is currently unaware that she is even coming. The seventh voice would be the Dornishwoman now escorting Myrcella home. The Lady Nym. But no lady, if even half of what Qyburn reports is true. A bastard daughter of the Red Viper, near as notorious as her father and intent on claiming the council seat that Prince Oberyn himself had occupied so briefly. Ser Kevan had not yet seen fit to inform Mace Tyrell of her coming. The Hand, he knew, would not be pleased. The man we need is Littlefinger. Petyr Baelish had a gift for conjuring dragons from the air. A Dance with Dragons – Epilogue However, Lady Nym does not easily forget either and although her fathers paramour Ellaria Sand gives a heartfelt testimonial that peace is what the Sandsnakes should seek to break the wheel of constant violence and vengeance Nymeria is hearing none of it. Ellarias cheeks were wet with tears, her dark eyes shining. Even weeping, she has a strength in her, the captain thought. “Oberyn wanted vengeance for Elia. Now the three of you want vengeance for him. I have four daughters, I remind you. Your sisters. My Elia is fourteen, almost a woman. Obella is twelve, on the brink of maiden-hood. They worship you, as Dorea and Loreza worship them. If you should die, must El and Obella seek vengeance for you, then Dorea and Loree for them? Is that how it goes, round and round forever? I ask again, where does it end? ” Ellaria Sand laid her hand on the Mountains head. “I saw your father die. Here is his killer. Can I take a skull to bed with me, to give me comfort in the night? Will it make me laugh, write me songs, care for me when I am old and sick? ” “What would you have us do, my lady? ” asked the Lady Nym. “Shall we lay down our spears and smile, and forget all the wrongs that have been done to us? When she had gone, Lady Nym said, “I know she loved our father well, but it is plain she never understood him. ” A Dance with Dragons - The Watcher Cersei has recently found a taste for exotic women in Taena Merryweather. Later, following Cerseis arrest Taena runs back to her husbands seat of Longtable and the Queen may be open to having some new allies around her and a reunion with Myrcella could immediately put Lady Nym in her good graces. Luckily Nymeria likes the ladies too. In addition, a meeting between Nymeria Sand and Ser Robert strong is inevitable and would expose the lie that the skull sent to Dorne was not Ser Gregor Clegane's if it's revealed they are one in the same. The Military – Obara Prince Doran raised a hand. His knuckles were as dark as cherries and near as big. "Ser Balon is a guest beneath my roof. He has eaten of my bread and salt. I will not do him harm. No. We will travel to the Water Gardens, where he will hear Myrcella's story and send a raven to his queen. The girl will ask him to hunt down the man who hurt her. If he is the man I judge, Swann will not be able to refuse. Obara, you will lead him to High Hermitage to beard Darkstar in his den. A Dance with Dragons – The Watcher Obara will serve as Prince Dorans muscle carrying out his secret martial pursuits. She wouldnt last in Kingslanding with such an aggressive and uncouth demeanor and must also be sent away from Sunspear because of her current bloodthirst in response to Oberyns murder. Starfall, the seat of House Dayne is the location of various mysteries and developing plots within the story. Namely the mysterious suicide of Ashara Dayne after her alleged lover Ned Stark returns the famed sword Dawn following the Battle at The Tower of Joy, Asharas alleged stillbirth and rumors of mothering Jon Snow, locating the lost young lord Edric who is nicknamed “Ned”, the possibility of another Sword of the Morning from the current generation emerging, and the truth about the assault on Princess Myrcella. Ser Gerald “Darkstar” Dayne is the lord of High Hermitage, a cadet branch of House Dayne further up the Red Mountains. He is the alleged perpetrator in the maiming of Princess Myrcella but Obara, Nymeria, and Tyene all agree that it wasnt him but if so, who was it? Balon Swann, Areo Hotah, and Obara could be walking into an ambush or be forced to change perspectives once he pleads his case. Either way something smells fishy. Areo Hotah has imagined that a time will come when hed cross swords with Arys Oakheart, Balon Swann, and Obara Sand and the possible outcomes of each and yet the three are tasked with working together now. So far 1/3 have already come true. If they all come to pass, can Areo find victory each time and what side will Obara pick. The white knight. The captain frowned. Ser Arys had come to Dorne to attend his own princess, as Areo Hotah had once come with his. Even their names sounded oddly alike: Areo and Arys. Yet there the likeness ended. The captain had left Norvos and its bearded priests, but Ser Arys Oakheart still served the Iron Throne. Hotah had felt a certain sadness whenever he saw the man in the long snowy cloak, the times the prince had sent him down to Sunspear. One day, he sensed, the two of them would fight; on that day Oakheart would die, with the captains longaxe crashing through his skull. A Feast for Crows - Captain of the Guards When she appeared beneath the triple arch, Areo Hotah swung his longaxe sideways to block the way. The head was on a shaft of mountain ash six feet long, so she could not go around. “My lady, no farther. ” His voice was a bass grumble thick with the accents of Norvos. “The prince does not wish to be disturbed. ” She had left her spear outside. For that, Areo Hotah gave thanks. Quick and strong as she was, the woman was no match for him, he knew. but she did not, and he had no wish to see her blood upon the pale pink marble. A Feast for Crows-The Captain of the Guards Ser Balon Swann was taut as a drawn bow, the captain of guards observed. This new white knight was not so tall nor comely as the old one, but he was bigger across the chest, burlier, his arms thick with muscle. His snowy cloak was clasped at the throat by two swans on a silver brooch. One was ivory, the other onyx, and it seemed to Areo Hotah as if the two of them were fighting. The man who wore them looked a fighter too. This one will not die so easy as the other. He will not charge into my axe the way Ser Arys did. He will stand behind his shield and make me come at him. If it came to that, Hotah would be ready. His longaxe was sharp enough to shave with. A Dance with Dragons - The Watcher The Faith – Tyene ”Your mother was a septa. Oberyn once told me that she read to you in the cradle from the Seven-Pointed Star. I want you in King's Landing too, but on the other hill. The Swords and the Stars have been re-formed, and this new High Septon is not the puppet that the others were. Try and get close to him. Why not? White suits my coloring. I look so … pure. A Dance with Dragons – The Watcher As stated by her older sister Lady Nym and Tyene herself, she is the key to getting into the Red Keep and doing damage that no one would see coming. The Sandsnakes have their assassination victims already listed Tywin, Cersei, Jaime, and Tommen. Two targets are present in the capital. Tyene looks young, innocent, and under the guise of religion can get a place at court amongst the growing fanatics who are struggling with nobles for power in the capital. Nym glanced over a shoulder, to where her companions rode a dozen lengths behind. “I was abed with the Fowler twins when the word reached me, ” the captain heard her say. “You know the Fowler words? Let Me Soar! That is all I ask of you. Let me soar, Uncle. I need no mighty host, only one sweet sister. ” “Obara? ” “Tyene. Obara is too loud. Tyene is so sweet and gentle that no man will suspect her. Obara would make Oldtown our fathers funeral pyre, but I am not so greedy. Four lives will suffice for me. Lord Tywins golden twins, as payment for Elias children. The old lion, for Elia herself. And last of all the little king, for my father. ” A Feast for Crows-Captain if the Guards Queen Regent Cersei Lannister attempts to forgo a portion of the crowns depts by foolishly decreeing the resurgence of the Faith Militant under the direction of the corrupt new High Septon, deemed the High Sparrow. This results in her arrest and public humiliation on a confession of accused charges. Following her walk of atonement Cersei is now under 24/7 supervision by the High Sparrows female novices and septas who have access to her bed, food, drink, and whereabouts throughout the Red Keep. A dangerous position to put a poisons expert in. The meal was served by three novices, well-scrubbed girls of good birth between the ages of twelve and sixteen. In their soft white woolens, each seemed more innocent and unworldly than the last, yet the High Septon had insisted that no girl spend more than seven days in the queens service, lest Cersei corrupt her. They tended the queens wardrobe, drew her bath, poured her wine, changed her bedclothes of a morning. One shared the queens bed every night, to ascertain she had no other company; the other two slept in an adjoining chamber with the septa who looked over them. A Dance with Dragons – Epilogue The Citadel – The Sphinx Tell them how wise and good they are. Tell them that Aemon commanded you to put yourself into their hands. Tell them that you have always dreamed that one day you might be allowed to wear the chain and serve the greater good, that service is the highest honor, and obedience the highest virtue. But say nothing of prophecies or dragons, unless you fancy poison in your porridge. Marwyn snatched a stained leather cloak off a peg near the door and tied it tight. "Sphinx, look after this one. I will. Alleras answered, but the archmaester was already gone. They heard his boots stomping down the steps. "I have a confession. Ours was no chance encounter, Sam. The Mage sent me to snatch you up before you spoke to Theobald. He knew that you were coming. How. Alleras nodded at the glass candle. Sam stared at the strange pale flame for a moment, then looked away. Outside the window it was growing dark. A Feast for Crows- Samwell V The wildcard. If Alleras the acolyte at the Citadel is indeed Sarella Sand, Doran Martell has a wide scope of information available to him. Alleras is trusted with Samwell Tarly and a glass candle. Complicating things further, a distance cousin of House Tyrell “Lazy Leo” also is aware of the glass candle and could possibly use it. Though it hasnt been used by a POV character yet glass candles are said to cause visions and allow the user to see over vast distances. An incredibly useful tool supported by the abundance of information available at the Citadel. With the Ironborn invading the Reach and Faceless Men now present in Oldtown the ancient Valyrian artifact and Alleras may be invaluable assets in coming events. Jon, Daenerys, Jaime, Aemon and other characters have experienced dreams and visions that heavily hint at the use of various Glass Candles being in use throughout the world. Maesters do not like magic and Alleras like Sarella is said to often put themselves in the middle of situations that they should probably leave alone due to curiosity. One of the only characters to also mention the three headed dragon prophesy and nicknamed “The Sphinx”, Alleras will be a game changer. When Marwyn had returned to Oldtown, after spending eight years in the east mapping distant lands, searching for lost books, and studying with warlocks and shadowbinders, Vinegar Vaellyn had dubbed him “Marwyn the Mage. ” The name was soon all over Oldtown, to Vaellyns vast annoyance. “Leave spells and prayers to priests and septons and bend your wits to learning truths a man can trust in, ” Archmaester Ryam had once counseled Pate, but Ryams ring and rod and mask were yellow gold, and his maesters chain had no link of Valyrian steel. Armen looked down his nose at Lazy Leo. He had the perfect nose for it, long and thin and pointed. “Archmaester Marwyn believes in many curious things, ” he said, “but he has no more proof of dragons than Mollander. Just more sailors stories. ” “Youre wrong, ” said Leo. “There is a glass candle burning in the Mages chambers. ” A hush fell over the torchlit terrace. Armen sighed and shook his head. Mollander began to laugh. The Sphinx studied Leo with his big black eyes. A Feast for Crown – Prologue That had been one of his last good days. After that the [Maester Aemon] old man spent more time sleeping than awake, curled up beneath a pile of furs in the captain's cabin. Sometimes he would mutter in his sleep. When he woke he'd call for Sam, insisting that he had to tell him something, but oft as not he would have forgotten what he meant to say by the time that Sam arrived. Even when he did recall, his talk was all a jumble. He spoke of dreams and never named the dreamer, of a glass candle that could not be lit and eggs that would not hatch. He said the sphinx was the riddle, not the riddler, whatever that meant. A Feast for Crows - Samwell IV TL;DR The older Sandsnakes will be extremely influential characters in the coming events in The Winds of Winter but not nearly in the way that their HBO counterparts were. They will infiltrate the four pillars of Westeros society the Crown (Nymeria) Military (Obara) the Faith (Tyene. amp;amp; Citidel (Sarella) on the order of Prince Doran. Planning to enact revenge for the deaths of Princess Elia and Prince Oberyn and the attempt on Prince Trystanes life. They will send knowledge back to Prince Doran of events surrounding them while furthering Dornish interest from behind the scenes.

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Windows on the world of warcraft. I think there is a big difference between simple tools and technology like smart phones. But our language does not really differentiate between the two. Long comment, apologies. I was listening to Dr J V Milewski, about Orme gold in glass. Microwave glass with a bit of pencil lead in it. It gets hot and cooks, turns reddish. Dissolved the glass with sodium hydroxide (you tube showed how) Extracted my gold, put it back in the microwave to melt into a nugget (I never got my nugget) the microwave died as soon as I hit go. Killed another microwave cooker on second attempt. Way to kill an offensive 5G weapon? Put it on a drone and fly by? Phase conjugate mirror (For all you Tom Bearden fans. Chariot wheels dated from the time of Exodus were found at bottom of red sea. Interviewer should do research before discounting his ancestors.

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Windows of the. Windows on the world pics. Windows on the world movie. Windows on the world london. Earlier this year I saw a yt video of a protest of many many thousands against paedo pervs. People had organised themselves with no big financial backers. MSM never touched it. Seems all wars are bankers wars, and all high profile even small protests are bankers protests. There's no way Atzmon can be a reliable source. His two favorite philosophers are Heidegger and Lyotard. Now, let me tell you what I know about these two thinkers. Heidegger: he's the one who inspired arguably the most hardcore anti-intellectualist thinker of the XXth century, namely Derrida. Derrida's writings were so deeply shaped by Heidegger that it's sometimes hard to tell them apart. Lyotard: he wrote just too many books in which he worships the chosen people in the most repugnant and servile way. However, his Differend breaks all records in intellectual dishonesty. In this book, the reader basically learns how to give up on facts and making logical sense out of things and why it is better to be swept away by whatever comes by.

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They chose to jump. I get upset that some people are ashamed that they jumped/fell. There was never a choice for them. They didn't choose to be in that situation. The didn't want to die. Sad. The details surrounding the discovery of the book of Enoch strongly suggests that the book is a fraud. My history teacher was married on 9/11 2001. Windows on the world bar. This is a most helpful series!  Reading the books is difficult at best, but watching you do the work is fantastic!   Tried this at home using an artificial horizon and it all works fine. Wow its sad that haw this happed good memoryes. These Tudor/Windsor LIES,I have had just about enough,THEY DO NOT HAVE ROYAL BLOOD,they are thieve's and have stolen my family name (LA)MARCHE, Pendragon Crown belong to me as the rightful pureblood descent lineage of the Saints I am Queen Guinivere IV (LA)MARCHE PENDRAGON RH(R)O negative DNA.I will ask ALL of you to stop your lies,these bastards Tudors/Windsors deserve the guillotine for steeling my families Crowns.

Windows on the world trailer. Name of my 9/11 group on Facebook 9/11/2001 NEVER FORGET BY Andres Barrila. My name is Will. This is a true story. The events depicted took place in Louisiana in 2015. Out of respect for the innocent, the names have been changed. Out of roiling antipathy for the guilty, the rest has been told exactly as it occurred. (August 2014, 5 years ago) One of my friends killed himself. Further details are not relevant. I realized that if every person in the world could put some time/effort towards saving a life, perhaps the world would be a better place. Despondent about how this country was going to hell in a handbasket, I found myself driving past a fire station and I wondered if I could do the job. I was in my 30's, not in the greatest shape but I wanted to see if I could do it or not. I found a small FD that was well funded and had lots of volunteers and I dropped off an application. Next thing I know, I'm handed turnout pants and a helmet and told to put my name on a locker and start showing up every week for training. This was really happening. I was really going to do this. This shit was for real. (cut to present) They say first impressions are last impressions. My first week, I was on the receiving end of what the FD calls a prank gone awry or what a buddy of mine at the state prosecutors office would call drunken and disorderly conduct, assault and battery, whistleblower retaliation and conspiracy to obstruct justice. Epic first week, huh? As time went on, it was readily apparent to me that the FD I was volunteering for was violating state and federal law. I cannot disclose the parties or exact nature of the issues due to litigation but I can tell you that the problems were 100% preventable and that the problem children did a damn fine job of creating massive liability to be borne by the city and FD. One day, I closed the door with one of the officers and I told them exactly what I thought about the situation. Basically, I blew the whistle. I said flat out if this is how the place works, I'll leave and never come back if they don't fix this shit. They said fine we'll fix it. The people that were doing the illegal things found out. Small town, small FD, it was inevitably going to leak. There was only one person smart enough to connect the dots and figure out who was doing what. Most of them weren't that smart. Since I am quite the smarty pants, they were able to shorten the list by process of elimination and that left me. When those responsible for breaking the law found out that I threw them under the bus, they decided they would make my life miserable and throw me under the bus in kind. The city and FD buried my complaint and they wanted to maintain the status quo. The guilty parties didn't like this one bit. They were a band of stereotypical jock meatheads driving IROC-Z's that think they deserve their own reality show. This isn't what I signed up for. The idiots even gave themselves a nickname, we'll call them Eddie and the Cruisers. They even signed training documents/lesson plans etc "BROUGHT TO YOU BY EDDIE AND THE CRUISERS" so they literally created a public record, DOCUMENTING that there was in fact a clique named that and papered the evidence of a conspiracy against me. Yes, they were that dumb. No, I didn't say anything about it. Some things you have to let play out for themselves. Now, when Ed and the gang got enough material on me - they went to the chief and had me fired. The chief knew about it and threw in with them. Sitting in the old crappy chair from the 1960's getting my ass chewed out, the BC called me a liar and I almost punched out the remaining four front teeth he had, the assistant chief said I was the worst firefighter ever to enter the doors of the FD and my captain told me "you just don't seem to understand how this place works" and shook his head. The BC even accused me of fucking up at a structure fire that I wasn't even at. I wasn't even in the state at the time, I was at my sister's baby shower 5 states over. The chief says "if there's anything I can do for you, let me know" and shook my hand and told me to turn in all my taxpayer owned property. Okay, so I put on a sad face and walk out the door. I could see Eddie and his partners in crime snicker as I cleaned out my locker. I tore the nameplate off the back of my turnout coat and tucked it into my back pocket and I delivered everything that wasn't mine back to the chief. My time humping hose, throwing ladders and giving kids candy from the engine was over. They got what they wanted. There's only one problem with fucking with a guy like me. I fuck back. Years of episcopalian school have taught and served me well. I began plotting revenge against my enemies. Little did they know, I had already contacted a lawyer about these issues. I had X number of days to file a complaint with the state and feds to get the ball rolling. I filed my complaints with the respective agencies having jurisdiction one day before the window closed. I also got a copy of Eddie's jacket from my friends over at the sheriff's department. He spent 5 years paying cop and generated a total of 35 disciplinary items, varying from a written warning to IA investigations and my personal favorite, TURNING OFF HIS RADIO, TAKING A COMFORTER OUT OF THE BACK OF THE POLICE CAR AND HAVING A NAP WHILE ON DUTY. How do I know all this? HIS WATCH COMMANDER DROVE OVER THERE USING GPS AND FOUND HIS ASS PARKED BEHIND THE OLD TOYS R US AND WROTE HIS ASS UP. A friend of a friend was his watch commander. He told me story after story of how Ed fucked up over and over and was politely invited to quit. Small world, right? As waited for that to play out, a few months before my firing there was a training accident involving me and Eddie. I got an owie. I reported the injury in writing to the city and they swept it under the rug like everything else. I decided to let a week go by after I was fired and I invited myself into the chiefs office. I asked him what we're doing about my injury. He says: what injury. I say the one I reported via email to (LT so and so) and your BC, and your DC. He says he hasn't heard nothing and there's nothing he will do for me. I said oh by the way, your BC called me a liar and I didn't appreciate that one bit. The next words out of his mouth set the tone of what was to come. Da Chief: Well, if you're looking for an apology I can tell you right now, you ain't getting one. Life is about learning which bridges to cross, which ones to burn, and which ones to blow up. Don't burn bridges when blowing them up is much more fun. If anyone has a reading comprehension problem, I'll remind you Da Chief did tell me "If there's anything else I can do for you let me know" and this would be something he could do for me. Total lack of integrity on his part, on top of being a dick move. I find a lawyer and tell him the city is burying the accident. He makes a few calls and the city insurer conditionally accepted liability pending investigation. They send me to a doc and I get interviewed by them. It's literally like talking to a cop, they're trying to lead you into a corner and get you to admit something illegal and you have to answer their questions. The lady is grilling me on every detail and I'm expected to remember. Finally she drops the bomb. "How do you address the claim from Da Chief that you're filing a false injury claim in retaliation for being terminated. Snarky answer: Da Chief has not begun to see me retaliate yet. Actual answer: I reported it like policy dictated. What they did with it, I have no idea. Ask them. But I have witnesses and I did what I was instructed to do. That's it. Do your research. We decide to close the injury out with a settlement since surgery isn't going to fix me. There's one caveat. The insurer wants me to sign a full and final release. I waive my right to future employment, etc with this doc for pile of cash. In addition there's a clause that says I promise to not file a whistleblower complaint. I say I can't sign the deal. I've already made a complaint with the state. Therefore, carve out the release. I retain the option to sue the city for a few select items like whistleblower retaliation but they get everything else and a statement that says I have already filed a pending complaint against the city and the chief. He calls the law firm of Dewey, Screwem, the firm that the insurer has hired to work the case for them. I gave up 10k on my deal in and I retain my right to sue. Only problem is my lawyer does not do this type of law and he suggests I hire someone else for that. I call up Sam Stein, an attorney I know that's a friend of a friend. Nice jewish boy, does not call his mom as often as she'd like, but who does? He is one of the toughest litigators in the area. I tell him what's going on and he puts together from Dewey Screwem's boilerplate a specific exemption to the language in the release and redlines out 18 pages of material out of the 34 total. He charges me for half an hour of work, which is well worth it for a carve out of this size. I run it over to my attorney, he sends it over and they cut a check. They're done with me, or so they think. The last page of the deal at the bottom in all caps says in bold I still get to sue, I crack a smile as I sign. They have no idea what they're about to run into and who they fucked with. I'm talking with Dennis, my attorney and we cannot figure this out. Why would they give me a carve out that easily? The city's insurer is a syndicate. We'll call them The Outfit for the purposes of this story. Me: Dennis, why the fuck would The Outfit sign off on a carve out of this size without pushing back? Dennis: There's only one logical reason they'd do that. I don't think The Outfit does not insure the city for whistleblower/EPLI/management liability. Why else would they give that up? The Outfit isn't dumb. I mean, if you're asking for the option to sue - the smart thing for WC to do is call over to the other side and tell them what's going on to see how to protect their client. Me: Man, I'm not sure how that all works - but if The Outfit covers them on management liability - they just made a six figure mistake. We wrap the deal up and the insurer sends over a copy of the deal. My entire carve out was accepted without changes. They tell me that revenge is a dish best served cold. I say revenge is a dish best served, period. Years after I signed off, we are in the administrative process and I've been waiting years for them to think they were in the clear. I sent in my request to close the file and issue a final report/findings so I can sue. I get an email that the request has been received and they will be issuing it shortly. There's a CC on the bottom to Ken Murphy, the city manager. He's irish and known for his short temper, so I'm wondering if city hall will still have a roof after he reads that. 3 days later, I get the final report emailed to me and I'm now legally allowed to sue the city. I can do one of a few things. Send it over to my lawyer and tell him to commence litigation. Fax it to Ken Murphy. Walk it in to my old fire station like a boss and put it on the chief's desk in person and watch the sparks fly. I think about my options but we all know where this is going. After 10 minutes, I know how I'm going to make my rapture like return to the station and burn the chief and his cronies. After work, I tuck a freshly printed copy of the documents from the state that allow me to file a civil action against them and start driving their way. It's Tuesday. Their training day is Tuesday at 7PM. It's 6:15, 15 min drive over there puts me there at 6:30. The entire FD will be there for training. This is gonna be good. My plan is to walk in, tell the guys that I'll wait outside if any of them want to quit and then drop my paperwork on the desk inside the chiefs office and give him a verbal thrashing. I facebook stalk a few of them as I'm stuck at a red light. A few of the idiots that made sure I couldn't promote have 100% public profiles. And hey! One of them is getting married! They're registered at bed bath and beyond, target and crate and barrel! I have an idea! My F350 whips into the city parking lot with the aplomb of a NYC cab driver. I open my glovebox and tuck all my bed bath and beyond coupons into my back pocket. I start walking up the front apron, all the bay doors are open and there's not a single person in gear to be seen. Keiser sled isn't out. No 180 pound dummy (training aid. No 280 pound dummy (Fire Chief. Not a single length of hose, tool, or person is in sight. But it's Training Day! Where's the training? Unless. They're all inside the building for an emergency "WTF DO WE DO NOW" meeting. I walk past the quint. It still has a dent in the frame from when one of Eddie's gang ran it into a tree. That brings a smile to my face as I round the tailboard and head for the door to the gym. The gym door still squeaks and makes a racket when people open it. I walk into the station as I pan and scan. Complete silence. Every face in the room has a frown. It's like they're all passing the same collective kidney stone. The chief? His resting bitch face is at 1000. The BC that I wanted to punch out? He appears to be chewing out Mozzarella. He was the first mate that was in charge of making sure I failed every evaluation they could give me. I walk right up to the chief's seat with a grin on my face. I sit down on the table next to his about to pass a kidney stone face. I decided to lighten the mood with a little taste of the works of Mr. Stevie Wonder. FC: Here I, sealed, delivered. I'm yours! FireChief: You got a lotta nerve showing up here. FC: Oh come on! I haven't even sued you yet! FireChief: What do you want? FC: Oh, I figured I should deliver the bad news in person. (I drop a file on the desk right in front of Mozzarella, one of Eddie's loudmouth buddies) FireChief: That all you got? FC: I played their game on their turf and they won. Now you get to play my game on my turf. And I don't play for 2nd. Oh yeah, one more thing. Hey Mozzarella? Mozzarella: What? I hand him a stack of bed bath and beyond coupons) FC: Heard you're getting married. Congrats! Mozzarella: Thanks. FC: Figured I'd do you a favor and save you a few bucks. You know, since you're gonna be unemployable in right, now. FireChief: Get the fuck out of my station. FC: Wouldn't be the first time I've heard that from you. FireChief: We're calling the cops the next time you show up here. I turn on my heel and walk out and jump in my F350. As I'm backing out, the DJ starts playing some Tom Petty. Specifically, they've just begun playing "Don't back down" as I drive off. Perhaps this is a cosmic sign that this is the right thing to do. Next, I went shopping for attorneys. This was more difficult than I imagined. Of the 12 I spoke to, none wanted the case. Even at 350/hour. There was one big problem: I was a volunteer. I have no back/front pay, damages, etc. I wasn't about to let them off the hook. My time was running out to file a lawsuit and without an attorney, I'd have to represent myself. If that's what I had to do, that's what I'd have to do. Not my first choice, but adapt, improvise and overcome is a way of life for me. Years of debating people on reddit telling them EXACTLY why they are wrong with pinpoint citations, writing and complaining about stupid people and being nourished by the hate and vitriol spewed in reply to everything that I wrote have prepared me for this day. I drafted the complaint and I drove down to the clerk of the United States District Court for the Middle District of Louisiana in Baton Rouge and I filed a lawsuit against my old fire chief, the FD and the city on my own. (morgan freeman begins) And there he was, the biggest pain in the ass ever to drag his first lawsuit against the chief on his 35th birthday" FYI: Federal court is no joke. Most attorneys hate Federal work. The deadlines are strict, there is no wiggle room. Federal judges demand perfection, so you better bring your A game. You don't bring your weak-ass motions into the humpty-bumpy that is federal court. Now, I'm going to get on a soapbox and break the fourth wall here for a little bit. You're also probably wondering how I know so much about federal court. What the chief, the city, the firefighters didn't know is I'm pretty resourceful. I've got some friends that are lawyers but they don't do this kind of law, they do criminal law. They also practice federally - which most attorneys who do criminal don't do. All the federal judges on the bench hear BOTH civil and criminal cases as opposed to state or municipal courts where judges are typically assigned a division that handles certain areas exclusively like family, traffic, juvenile, etc. Last year, I got with my friends - and a few friends of my friends. I sold them on a idea. We are all on the same team with lots of varied experience and I pitched an idea that we all throw in together and form a new joint venture: a consulting company. For 100 each, we can all partner up. All get a resume builder, they get another tax write off and a way to go to conferences and other fun things. One of the guys that threw in with us, we'll call him Rick - is an EXPERT IN MUNICIPAL LITIGATION. He has represented FD's from people like me. He knows where the liability is! Rick fucking LOVES me because my idea to start a consulting company generated 10, 000 in tax writeoffs for him to attend a conference that he normally would not be able to write off. He thinks I'm brilliant and I HAVEN'T EVEN MET THE GUY. My friends talked my reputation up with him and he graciously gave me some of his time despite his full trial schedule. He told me exactly where to hit them hard. I drew Judge Smith who he does not know. HOWEVER my two buddies locally have appeared in front of Smith doing criminal defense MANY TIMES. Knowing the judge's preferences and knowing how he operates is a huge plus that most people do not get. My friend Cal gave me his firm's westlaw login so I could do all my own legal research, Rick gave me tips on how to argue my case and where he's seen cases like this before, and I got a ton of useful knowledge. I might not have the skills to pay the bills as a firefighter, but you better believe I have the skills to pay the bills in the courthouse. This was a HUGE leg up. I can guarantee you the city's attorneys were thinking that I'm pro se, I've got no chance in hell, they will out paper me, they will out work me, and I have no idea what I'm doing because I didn't go to law school. And they'd be right, if I didn't have all these fine folks backing me up without backing me up. They didn't know I had done all the homework, all the research and I know my case has problems but their case had one big problems too. Over the years I've had to fight other people, insurers, other lawyers, you name it - to get them to do the right fucking thing. It's kinda a joke in my family that my legal specialty is terrorism law. Not like hezbollah or al-quaeda terrorism law, more like "Pay me or I'm going to terrorize you with my knowledge of the law. Looks like I've just expanded my area of practice thanks to me and my friends. Enough about me and my awesome friends. You want to hear the rest of the havoc I raised, don't you? After the filing, I had the city and the FD served and the holy hell that rained down was epic. As you all know several years ago, we settled the WC injury, It appears evident now that the City DID NOT READ THE DEAL! Everything that was carved out, the "Will is gonna sue your ass for this this and this" clause was news to them. Nobody had a fucking clue what was in there until it was too late after I sued them. I get a call from Dennis. The Outfit called him thinking he represented me. He tells me that they want to know who my attorney is. I tell him I don't have an attorney. I ask why Dennis is getting the call. It is at this point I learn: THE OUTFIT INSURES THE CITY THE OUTFIT HAS JUST HIRED DEWEY, SCREWEM TO REPRESENT THE CITY No, I am not making this up. The law firm that represented The Outfit that specifically allowed me the option to sue da City, is now representing The Outift and da City. Again. The FD is a separate 501c3 entity and the city's lawyers do not represent them. So, they have to go find a lawyer at 500 an hour for federal court. I know how the FD structured their finances from my time there and they budget for beer and pizza not insurance and lawyers. I told you all this was a real shitshow, didn't I? The City and the FD have two high priced firms doing their bidding. I get a call from each of them asking me why I'm suing and I tell them because they deserve every rash of crap I'm giving them. Both attorneys for the city/FD file an epic motion to dismiss claiming that volunteers = no paycheck = we can do whatever the fuck we want to you and you have to take it, and we have had no knowledge of this dispute until now and we should be let out of this. At no point do they address my claims of "THE CITY BROKE THE LAW HERE HERE AND HERE. because they know they have no defense. I parried their motion to dismiss with a response of my own stating that they should have read the release that I signed years before when THEY GAVE ME THE RIGHT TO SUE THEM IN WRITING as well as some other brilliant legal memoranda that I came up with while redditing on my toilet. What I learned on the toilet was that case law on volunteers has shifted, my legal research thanks to my buddy's westlaw login told me that - and my brief explained that. There is conflicting opinion up and down every circuit in the nation. Where there is conflict, there is opportunity. A few weeks after I filed my response to the motion, I sat in on a case to get a feel for how the judge asks questions, how he reacts to motions, etc. In other words - I knew about the judge by reputation, but I wanted to see him in action in person. I needed an edge. I listened to him for an hour on a motion hearing for a pretrial motion to dismiss, the very thing my case was going through - with another party also claiming whistleblower retaliation! Not many times you can enjoy an hour in a courthouse, but I enjoyed my time. The notepad I brought had been filled with notes on how the judge looked at and broke down the arguments, how he framed up scenarios and analysis, it was pretty fucking fun to watch him work. In that hour I also learned something else: this judge HATES motions to dismiss and frequently denies them. Most judges do NOT want their decisions overturned by an appellate court. He wants an argument on the merits of the case. He denied the motion I heard that day as a result. The rules of federal court are very black and white and some are easily understood. One of the easy things we had to deal with was a case management conference. If the judge does not throw out the case by a certain date, all parties and their attorneys are required to meet IN PERSON and file a report agreeing on deadlines and attempting to settle. I'm invited to The Outifit's offices downtown on the 19th floor for our meteting. I got to the conference room early, and I was told me to make myself at home. The conference was on the birthday of a special girl in my life and I happened to have a stuffed animal I bought for her as a present in my briefcase. As I unpacked my files, laptop and legal pad, I pulled out the furry guy and set him up next to my legal pad. The city and FD's attorneys all came in and they looked at me funny. Greg: Hi Will. I didn't know you were bringing (gestures to stuffed animal) co-counsel to the meeting. Me: They told me to make myself at home. It's a present for this girl I know. She does not take crap from anyone either. The cuteness inspires me. Greg and Lenny look at each other and silently exchange a look that reads "Holy fuck this guy is weird. which is exactly what I wanted. It tells me that they have no poker face. We begin the meeting and everyone was very polite and I expected a lot more profanity. We set deadlines and tried to reach an agreement in principle but were not successful. The FD attorney asks me what I want out of the deal. I tell him every amount of shit that Eddie and the Cruisers gave me, I WILL GIVE BACK TO THEM TENFOLD IN LITIGATION. Me: Lenny, how the hell are you going to defend this? Your client has not followed the law AT ALL. I've got the evidence to back my complaint in spades. Lenny: Yeah, they thought because they were a 501c3 nonprofit they were exempt. They didn't know. Me: Are you kidding me? They're not exempt. Their defense is "we didn't know. Lenny: They've never really looked into it until you filed a lawsuit. They thought they were exempt. Me: We didn't know" didn't work for USC and Reggie Bush. "We didn't know" didn't work for Penn State and Jerry Sandusky. "We didn't know" didn't work for Arthur Anderson and Enron. "We didn't know" didn't work for Salomon Brothers and Paul Mozer. Now, you expect it to work? Lenny: Well, they brought me into this late - but Eddie who caused most of the problems you're alleging occurred does not even work there anymore. In light of that I think you should release my client from the lawsuit. Me: Let me guess, Eddie was fired for gross misconduct? Easiest way to predict future behavior is past behavior. Lenny: I can't say. I didn't get his file yet so I don't know. Me: Well, if they thought I was going to take all that abuse lying down - they're dead wrong. The liability on, your client's cost of defense is in the six figures. How about we settle this one for cost of defense with no admission of liability? Lenny: They didn't give me settlement authority. Me: Well what did they give you? Lenny: Nothing. There's no money to pay you. Me: If there's no money to pay me, how is your firm getting your 550/hour? Lenny: There isn't. I'm doing this pro bono. Me: Then what does their insurer have to say? Lenny: They thought the city had them as an additional insured. There's no insurance. Me: Your client has no insurance? Lenny: They do not. Me: Then your client has a serious fucking problem. But, that problem can be cured pretty easily with the 250, 000 in the account over at Wells Fargo they're using to save up for a new engine. Lenny: You're really going to go after the donated money from the townspeople to buy a new fire engine? Me: You do litigation. You do plaintiff's work. Wouldn't you? Lenny: Well, that is specifically to be used for equipment. We can't touch that money. Me; Your client can touch it after I win in court. Or I'll just levy the account with a court order. They won't have to lift a finger. Lenny: Are you serious? You're going to bankrupt this VFD! Why do you gotta wreck the place? Me: Because it's wreckable! If they didn't hire you and defaulted on the motion, I was gonna have my buddy CJ pull his 378 Pete heavy wrecker up and hook up their quint and haul it to the sheriff's sale. Yeah, I am serious. Your client fucked with the wrong marine. Lenny: Please don't do this! Things have changed! It won't happen again, I swear! Don't take all their money! Me: You know why this sounds like the last session of marriage counseling right before the divorce filing? That's because IT IS the last session of marriage counseling right before the divorce filing. And your client is in a community property state! It went downhill from there. No offers to settle, but we inked the deadlines. We would be headed to trial if the judge threw out their motion. In case anyone was wondering, the girl loved her furry surprise (that's not a euphemism for my penis) and said that it was a very thoughtful birthday present. My mind works in mysterious ways and if the opposing counsel picked up on that, they'd know exactly what kind of shit storm I would create by deposing the fire chief, Eddie and every single one of his idiots and hitting their litigation budget hard from the yard by opening up every file in city hall during discovery. That having been said, just before Thanksgiving I got an email from their lead counsel on the case. The city council has approved a deal. 10k I told Greg to send the deal over and I'd look at it over, He says that sounds like a good plan. I tell him hey, at least we found we can agree on one thing throughout this mess. He laughs. I look over the deal and I analyze it in typical FC fashion. With my lawyer friends at the gun club! We meet shooting skeet. Me: They're at 10k Jed: 10k? You wipe your ass with 10k. You spend more than that flying around getting cheesesteaks and in and out burger every year. Me: That's besides the point and you know it. Jed: Well counter them! Me: 10k doesn't even get a pre sample. I don't want pre sample money. I want transferable money. Jed: There you go! Editors note: We're talking machineguns. Transferable machineguns are very expensive, pre samples which are restricted to certain parties are a fraction of the price. I'm basically saying I'm not interested in a nuisance value amount) Let's be realistic. 10k is fuck off. I don't want fuck off. I want fuck you. What's the point of having fuck you leverage if you never say fuck you? Well, it's because I"m under a court order by a judge that all actions relating to this civil matter that ain't so civil shall be courteous and collaborative to resolution of the claims presented. I call lead counsel and tell them thank you but this isn't a deal that works for me. The settlement should match the liability. He asks me what I have in mind and I tell him I'll send over an email with a proposal. So, I sent over a proposal. I was polite, erudite and I laid out my case: Their client has massive liability. I was the smartest guy in the room when I was there and I'm still the smartest guy that ever wore turnouts for them. Their clients have no insurance, destroyed evidence, shenanigans out the wazoo. The city and FD were required to follow the law. They didn't. I know Eddie and the Cruisers didn't. I have the smoking gun. I have the missing pieces of the puzzle. The judge is a stickler and is a very law and order guy. When he finds out that the city broke the law, your clients will face sanctions. Judge smith does not like shenanigans and your case is chock full of em, so how do you think this is going to play out? I can make my case and we can resolve things now or later, so let's get this band aid ripped off and just cut me a check with a whole bunch of zeros and save your client the public humiliation I'm about to give them. This was their reply the morning of Christmas Eve: Good Morning Will. We just got off the phone with the city and the insurer and we accept your terms. You got a deal. Review the attached documents as soon as you can and execute them after you've reviewed with your attorney. If you retain an attorney for representation let us know so we can correspond with them and not you. Please send the forms to our offices once complete and we will get this issue wrapped up. Thank you for your understanding. Have a Merry Christmas. The city and insurer caved. To a guy without an attorney. It's a miracle. It's Christmas, Theo. It's the time of miracles. It appears we have a deal. Now, to just get it executed. I start making some calls. I get Sam on the phone and email over the draft. He's joined a new firm but remembers vividly the work he did for me before and I go over the details with him. He says it's boilerplate and should be good to go. I just want to make sure I have no surprises and although the city has been fighting dirty, I don't think they deal dirty. But just like Reagan during the cold war - one must trust but verify. We have a chat and I ask him what I owe the firm. He tells me it's Christmas. He spent 12 minutes reading it and 15 on the phone with me. This didn't even take him half an hour. Not worth it for him to open a billing file but if it goes over a full hour then he'll bill me. I tell him thanks and I start looking over the documents for typos. There are a few spots that need to be fixed but nothing structural. I call the city's firm back and tell them that it's in the mail later tonight after I get it notarized. I head to work and I duck out for lunch to the local market to get a sammich at the deli. The place is packed to the gills with last minute shoppers. I grab a italian boars head sandwich and head for the register when I realize it. Today is the first day of Hanukkah. My attorney has just done me a kindness. This must be reciprocated. I make a quick call to his paralegal. Me: Sam did some work for me and didn't bill me, I'd like to get him something for the holiday. Do you know what he likes? Wine? Scotch? Give me an idea. Emily: I've worked her 13 years and I have no clue. Me: Okay, I'll figure it out. How late is he in the office? Emily: He's got a trial next week so he's going to be here till 4 or 430. Me: I'll be there in an hour does that work for you? I'm not holding you up am I? Emily: I'm leaving in about an hour so that works just fine! Me: Solid! Thanks! I wander around and I don't want to buy him latkes or matzo mix but I've got to get him something nice. Fuck it, I wander into the wine aisle and I grab him a nice 2017 cabernet from Decoy. It seemed only fitting since the way he worded my workers comp release was a total deke to them and made me a much richer man as a result. As I'm walking back to the register I see a lady doing some last minute shopping and she's holding some fresh Butoni pasta and a bottle of Rao's. I get an idea as I grab a bottle of Rao's Tomato basil. The cashier bags me up, I eat my sandwich at my desk and grab a copy of the deal. Sam's office is 30 minutes away and I call Emily to tell her I'm on the way. She greets me at reception and just as I walk up, Sam is pulling something off the copier. Me: Sam, Happy Hanukkah! I got you one night of gifts but knowing you - you'll probably talk me up to 4! Sam: Hah! Thank you. What are you doing here? Me: I figured I should get you a present for taking care of that thing. Sam: Oh that's not necessary at all but thank you. (Peter, Sam's law partner walks up. Peter is from NYC and grew up in Bay ridge. He is a big, fat, loud as hell italian litigator that does real estate litigation. Pete: Hey everybody! Whats going on? Me: Oh, Sam just did some work for me and I wanted to get him a present. I asked Emily what you liked and she had no idea, so I figured I couldn't go wrong with a bottle of red (I pull a bottle of Cabernet out the bag and give it to Sam) Sam: Oh wow thank you! Me: a bottle of red (I pull out a bottle of Rao's Tomato Basil and give it to Sam) Sam: Haha! This is totally unexpected and appreciated. Thank you! Peters eye's light up) Peter: This is hilarious. I love this guy! Me: Pete, your lips say this is hilarious, I love this guy. Your eyes say "if there's sausage and meatballs in that bag, this is gonna be the best firm christmas EVER. Everyone laughs their ass off) Sam: Wow, well this is a great surprise. Lots of clients are real jerks so it's amazing to see someone like you stop by. Me: I didn't go to law school but I know good work when I see it. You do good work. Enjoy your holiday! Sam: Thanks! I've got a deposition to get ready for next week. It's been a tough case. Me: Who's opposing counsel? Sam: Ray Flynn. Me: I know Ray. You're gonna mop the floor with him. In fact, you tell him I said hi. (Ray and I have tangled in the past. He said I wasn't going to get a dime out of his client. Ray was wrong. Sam: Merry Christmas! Thanks again! I head back to work and drop the docs in the mail. As I walk back from the mailbox, my cousin Denise from up north calls me. Denise: Merry Christmas! Me: It's a good one this year. Denise: Why? What happened? Me: Resolved my issues with the city this morning. Denise: Oh really? Nice! Your lawyers put together a good settlement offer? Me: Denise, you don't remember do you? I don't have a lawyer. I asked 12 attorneys to take this case. They all said I was a volunteer and therefore the case was a loser. It had no damages. Denise: So you represented yourself? Me: Some things you just have to do yourself. Like suing your old fire chief in federal court. Denise: You went to FEDERAL court without a lawyer? Me: I know you're on AT&T but the reception isn't that bad. Denise: So you won? Me: I won. Denise: So what are you going to do now? Me: Stuff a copy of the deal in an envelope and mail it to EVERY SINGLE ATTORNEY that said the case was worthless and a loser with a note that says "You said this case had no value. I thought you people were board certified. Denise: You're really going to do that? Are you serious? Me: I am serious and don't call me Shirley Denise: You're not Julia Roberts in Erin Brockovitch! You're Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman! Me: Not with my mother's thighs! Besides, with all the suits and ties in my closet I'm more Edward Lewis than anything else. Denise: I don't believe you. Anyways, me and Max are taking the kids down to New Orleans for Christmas. You want to drive in and visit us? Me: I don't have time, but I'll make time. Let me know the details when you can. Merry Christmas! Denise: Talk soon! Best zinger I've heard all year. But that's the story about how badly things went for me and the FD. Everything here was 100% preventable. The city failing to supervise and control and the fire chief failing to maintain supervisory control over his firefighters led to this mess. The city's insurer wrote me a check and we're done. This was a toxic combination of a lack of oversight, letting the inmates run the asylum, an inability to look at problems holistically, a preference for short term decision making, YOU NAME IT - and there were problems. Oh, and of course - no insurance. Da Chief and the rest of the firefighters HAD to throw in with Eddie and the Cruisers because they knew that if they didn't, Eddie would make an example out of them the same way he made an example out of me. Does this sound familiar to anyone in the fire service? You can use a clique for good and make everyone aspire to be the example, or you can use a clique for evil and make it a cautionary tale. We all know the way they went. My goal was to make a difference in the world. Maybe teaching FD's what not to do will have to be the difference I make instead of running first due on a structure fire. If anyone is interested, I am preparing a presentation that can be attended by any city managerial/fire officers in what can be learned from this episode and my new consulting company will be producing the segment as an educational episode. And I used to be a firefighter. By the way, in case anyone was wondering: da chief was right about one thing. I never did get that apology.

I was reading the book, 102 Minutes: The Unforgettable Story of the Fight to Survive Inside the Twin Towers. They kept mentioning Windows on the World, but I had never been there. I googled it to get a better idea of what the restaurant was like. It's absolutely heartbreaking how many people died there. They were hosting a conference on 9/11. IN THE GAME MOD INSTALLED NO GAME NOT IN ORIGINAL. Prefix: These are records found detailing the era known as the end. Read in any order. Record 2: The Final Days Record 3: There was never a fighting chance (End) Record 1: I walked the boardwalk with Jess. We have been engaged for two weeks, and we both took this Friday off to spend an extra long weekend together on a beach trip to celebrate. I was so happy she had said yes. We have been together for two years and I was swimming in the joy of imagining our life together. It was like being in a bubble of happiness. At the time I wish I knew it wouldn't last. I 's getting ahead. I am writing this not in hopes of getting help, but only as a record for whoever finds this device. We walked the boardwalk, hand in hand, both looking at all the fun and colorful shops lining the pathway, bathed in the bright summer sun. "Hey Troy, lets check out some of these shops. I've never actually gone in one. Her voice was like soft music to me. I wonder if she was feeling the same euphoria as me? Yeah lets check 'em out. I've always found this stuff kind of interesting" We walked and chatted until we came upon the first shop. It was a souvenir and toy shop, full of kids toys and appropriately themed beach souvenirs. You know the type, full of rocks that were found on the beach, post cards, and shark tooth necklaces. Your standard souvenir shop. The toys were neat to. We walked the isles looking at the various stuffed aquatic creatures made out of bright colorful fabric and all the sand toys and kite flying equipment you could ever need. It was a neat store but we soon decided to move on without buying anything. The next shop we came upon was painted Maroon and had a badly hand painted Pop Eye the Sailor Man painted on the door. The Sign above the door read "Auntie Ann's Antiques" in what you could tell was once gold colored cursive lettering, but was rusted and aged due to the salt in the air. "Lets go in. Jess's eyes lit up and she practically dragged me in with her. This shop was packed with oddities. Bare boned metal shelves and clearly old glass cases holding tons of meticulously arranged objects covered the entire store, leaving only just enough room to walk around and look. Everything had a small white tag on it with a hand written price. There was pottery, metal sculptures, and an over abundance of old roto-dial phones dotted the shop. There were crystals, and old jewelry, and old decayed wooden objects who purpose I could not discern. Truly it was all rather fascinating. I found an Old Ka-bar knife that I really liked. I examined the dark aged steel of the blade and the worn leather handle. It would cost me a cool 50 USD, but I had saved a decent chunk money for this trip so i figured I could treat myself. "Hey babe check out this knife I found. I think its pretty neat. I'm going to buy it. I said to Jess who was about five feet away examining the rocks and crystals. "Yeah yeah, get your boy stuff, but if your getting something, I'm getting something to. She held up a black crystal. It was about the length and thickness of a an empty paper towel roll, and rested in a plain metal base. "Look, you think its just a black crystal right. I raised an eyebrow at her. Then she held it in the sunlight coming through a nearby window and it was revealed that the crystal was actually a dark red. The sunlight going through it sent rays of deep red light onto the floor and walls. "I think I will put it in our window to catch the sunlight. I admit, that is pretty cool. Yeah lets get it. The tag on the crystal read 30 USD. A little pricey for a fancy rock but whatever, I was buying a knife that was who knows how old. We went to check out and a lady looking to be in her mid 40's greeted us. "You must be Auntie Ann. You have such a cool store. I said to her. She laughed gently as she took the knife and stone from me and Jess. "Oh no no. Auntie Ann was my great grandmother. She opened this shop 60 years ago" She looked me in the eye, then tapped her name tag, which clearly read "Claire. I felt my face flush a bit. How embarrassing, how had I missed that. I heard Jess stifle a giggle and turn her head away. I handed Claire the money and took the knife. Claire held the crystal out to me and I tried to take it to. But Claire but wouldn't let go. I pulled a little harder but she had an iron grip on it. I looked at her, but her eyes we focused on the crystal. "Claire. I questioned. Suddenly she looked up at me and released the crystal. "Oh I'm sorry. This piece has been with the family since we opened, I am just a little sad to see it go. I am sure it will find better use in your home than wasting away on these shelves though. You have a good day now. And with that she walked into the backroom of the shop. Jess made a circular motion around the side of her head with her pointer finger indicating that the lady must be psycho. After spending the rest of the weekend wandering the tourist beach town and enjoying the sun and sand we decided to return home. I put the knife into the drawer of the nightstand on my side of the bed, and she placed the crystal in the window seal where it could catch the most sunlight. Life seemed normal for a few weeks. Working, cooking and doing all the stuff that a newly engaged couple does. I woke up to light directly in my eyes. I squinted and realized the crystal was refracting the morning sun directly into my eyes in its signature shade of red. It was like looking at the sun through red-tinted sunglasses, it was shaded, but the sun was still the sun and it hurt. I rolled over and decided to go back to sleep for just a few more minutes. I was falling. It was dark. I screamed but my voice just seemed to disappear, like there was nothing to carry it. Suddenly I was no longer falling, but floating in this infinite abyss. I looked around and saw nothing. I attempted to move but with nothing to push off of I was wiggling helplessly. And suddenly I heard it. I heard it, and felt it at the same. A deep rumbling changing in pitch and tone in ways a human cannot. It vibrated through my entire body and assailed my ears. As I listened though, I realized it was a voice, and although it was not speaking English I could understand it. I could see no source for it but I knew it was in this void with me. Or rather, I was in this void with it. "Human. It rumbled agonizingly slowly. I attempted to speak but as I opened my mouth it was forced shut by an unseen force. The voice rumbled again "You have been chosen. I struggled against the force in an attempt to speak and it responded by restricting the movement of my entire body. It was as if I was being crushed from all directions. I couldn't even breathe. Panic and claustrophobia welled up inside me. From the abyss, a long, dark red tentacle seemed to appear from nowhere and stretched towards me. There was nothing I could do. I could not move, I could not breathe or thrash. I could only watch. The tentacle stopped in front of my face. It moved to touched the center of my forehead. Ice cold waves shot through my body, and then I was in a convenience store. I tried to move but could not. I watched from behind a shelf of goods as a ski-masked robber pointed a gun at the clerk. But it wasn't me moving. In a window reflection I saw that it was me, but this body was moving of its own accord, I was just looking through its eyes. I saw myself lift a hand up towards the man and watched as his gun seemed to just fly out of his hands and into mine. The robber look terrified. Suddenly I am back in my apartment, but still not in control. I am removing the cap from a gallon of milk when I drop the cap on the ground and rolls under the fridge. I feel myself take a sharp breath of frustration and bend down to look under the fridge. The cap has rolled clear to the back. I open my palm and the cap wistfully flies into it. I am floating back in the void. The tentacle is receding back into the depths of the black. My body rumbles violently with the impact of its voice. "Use it as you will. And then my eyes open and I am back in my bed. I can feel myself covered in sweat, but I am freezing cold. Jess is sleeping peacefully next me. What the hell just happened. Did I just have a night terror. That was an oddly specific and memorable night terror. I rolled over and looked at the crystal. The light ray was now about a foot above my head. I must've been out about thirty to forty minutes. I had seen to many sci-fi and fantasy movies to discount what had just happened to me. I recalled the strange visions I was shown. I was chosen? Use it Wisely? I sat up in excitement, not really believing what I was thinking. Was I given super powers? I scoffed to myself, but noticed the TV remote on the dresser at the far end of the room. I double checked to make sure Jess was still asleep so I wouldn't make a fool of myself, and then held a hand out to the remote. I willed it to me. Nothing happened. I laughed in my mind at the absurdity of it, and decided to try one more time. With all of my mental energy I willed the remote into my hand, thought of nothing but the remote coming to me, and then it flew at breakneck speed into my hand. The back of the remote slammed into my hand with a loud slap! and fell into my lap. I winced in pain and held my hand. It worked. Oh my god it worked. I looked up at the crystal with excitement. Today was Saturday, so no work. I decided I was going to test this ability more. I needed to know what I was capable of, what were the limits, and what might happen if I overdid it. I told Jess me and the boys were going out shooting. I grabbed my Walther PPQ 45 pistol and ammunition and headed out the door. I drove about 45 minutes out into the forest area outside of town. I found an old service road leading to an empty lot that was once used to stage trees from loggers. I parked my car in the road at the entrance to the dirt lot so no one could surprise me. I placed a large fist sized rock on the ground in front of me. I looked at it and held out a hand and willed it to float at eye level in font of me, wary of willing it to move to fast and hurt me like the remote had. It wiggled slightly than lifted up and held itself exactly where I wanted it. I made it move in circles transfixed by what I was able to do. I then looked at a nearby tree and with a sudden burst of thought demanded that the rock launch itself at the tree. The rock listened and exploded towards the tree faster than I could see. There was a loud thunk and the entire tree vibrated. I examined the spot of impact and found the rock lodged about seven or eight inches into the trunk. Next I decided to mess with my gun. I took the unloaded pistol out and placed it on ground. I willed into the air in front of me. I kept it there as I loaded a single round into the clip. I help the clip out and let it float out of my hand and into the gun. I was glad to know I had some fine motor control. I aimed it the same tree and willed the trigger back. It fired. I fell to my knees, and the gun fell to. I had real powers. I decided that was enough for the day and headed home. I spent the next few weeks using it it only for nominal tasks. I didn't want to tell Jess until I had a full knowledge over what I had attained. I used it to pour my coffee, to load my clothes into the washer and dryer. At work I practiced fine control by using it to type and write. After about two months had passed I had decided to tell Jess, but was deciding how to go about it when an opportunity presented itself. "Troy. I heard her call from the kitchen. "Can you come help me. I walked in and found her looking under the fridge. I recalled the vision I had been shown of retrieving the milk cap form under the fridge. "Yeah whatsup? Did you drop something under there. No, but the water line is leaking. Can you pull the fridge out for me so we can get a closer look. What a perfect opportunity. "Jess there is something really good I need to tell you, but let me just show you instead. She gave me a strange look. "Okay, sure go for it I guess. She said with uncertainty. I nodded and looked at the fridge. I closed my eyes held out a hand to it. This was my first time moving something this large but I knew I could do it. I called for it to move out, I felt the familiar rush and the release of the power. And then nothing. The fridge did not move. The ability did not come. I heard Jess release a bloodcurdling screech from the living room. She was just right next to me. How? I raced to the living room and found her pinned to the wall by an invisible force. This was our apartment, but everything was suddenly different. A melancholy shade of red lit everything. All the furniture and walls, the floor, and the paint itself all looked as though they had aged a hundred years. Bright red vines covered in thorns grew over everything. Jess screamed again and started crying. "Troy help me. She sobbed with tears rolling down her face. "It hurts. Oh my god it hurts. Troy please it hurts. Her back arched and her voice became nothing but sobs and incoherent ramblings. The tears continued to pour down her face and her eyes rolled back in her head. I rushed to her in an attempt to pull her down, panic overtaking my emotions. The moment I made contact with her I was thrown onto the opposite wall and held by what I assumed was the same unforeseen force. The wails coming from Jess brought tears to my eyes as I watched her begin to convulse violently. Blood started to trickle from her mouth and her wails became high pitch gurgles. A small line appeared vertically in the center of her face. I watched horrified as the slit moved from her forehead to her neck. I realized with terror it was a cut. The slit began to open and blood dripped out as the skin seemed to peel itself down her head. I struggled to get down. To help her, to do anything. Her body continued to skin itself and I could do nothing as I watched muscle and sinew become exposed while listening to the sounds she was making. I didn't even know humans could make sounds like this. I willed the power to come, with everything that I had. I demanded that it release me. I felt it welling up within me. I felt hope. I released the power in a startling display of fury, and then it was gone. Winked out of existence. Jess' skin peeled itself the rest of the way off, revealing glistening muscle, blood, and sinew. Her guts fell to the floor, their own weight causing them to rip and tear out of her. She stopped moving. Tears fell from my face without restraint. My body rumbled. I heard a familiar deep and eldritch voice. It was laughter. "So what did you want to show me. Jess asked confused. I was standing there with my arm outstretched towards the fridge like an idiot. I looked around still panicked and terrified. Everything was back to normal. "Uh never mind. Let me just move the fridge out for you. I didn't use the power again for months. I was terrified by the very idea of it. The vision of Jess being skinned alive and the un-nerving sounds that she had made were forever burned into my memory. We had decided to take a trip to my parents place for a weekend. It had been awhile since I had seen them. It had been roughly four months since the horrific vision had occurred and I was only just now beginning to let it to go. My mother rushed down the steps of her deck and gave me a hug. "Welcome home Troy. I have missed you my little man. Jess giggled. My face flushed but I let it slide. I loved my mom and her embarrassing names was something she had always done, and I loved that to. "Good to see you again. came my fathers gruff voice. He patted my back roughly and gave me a firm handshake. My mother greeted Jess with a hug and my father gave her a back pat as well, albeit a little gentler than the one I had received. My parents had lakeside property with a dock in their backyard. They owned a decently sized rowboat and we decided to take it out for a family fishing trip. We were out for about four hours that morning and had managed to catch three Steel-head. They were decent enough size and my mom and dad said they would cook them up for dinner. Me and Jess decided we wanted to spend a little more time on the water so my parents headed back in before us. We sat on the end of the dock with our feet in the water enjoying the atmosphere. After awhile we decided to go back in lest my parents think we were doing un-savory things. A ten foot ramp with no railing connected the dock to the shore. Jess went up in-front of me. At the top of the dock she lost her balance started falling right for the water. I wouldn't be able to catch her in time. Without thinking I summoned the power and caught her and helped her regain her balance. "That was close. She exclaimed, none the wiser that she would've gone over if not for my ability. I looked at my hand as we walked back, wondering what this power actually was. That night we had an excellent fish dinner. We returned home on Sunday night after a weekend filled with wholesome, heart filling family time. I had a difficult time falling asleep that night. After a few hours of tossing and turning though, I was finally able to drift off. I woke up in the spare room at my parents house. I felt my blood run cold. The room was lit in red. Bright red thorn vines covered the walls and floor. The bed I laid in was covered in mold, falling apart, and smelled of rancid wood rot. I quickly jumped out of the bed in disgust and looked out the window. The outside world seemed to carry the same look. The sky lit bright red with a white sun. The ground was barren, devoid of life. Dead trees pocked the land. The dock was almost rotted away, and sat on the floor of the dried up lake. I knew why I was here. I had used my power. I heard a loud thump from the room above me. That was my parents room. I rushed out and up the stairs, and burst into the room. The sight that I beheld cause me to fall to my hands and knees and vomit. My parents were laying in their bed. Both of them had all four limbs cut completely off. The limbs were still sitting next to where they should be attached, giving the illusion that you could just move them an inch or so to re-attach them. Neither of them had eyes in their sockets, just bloody gaping holes. I noticed they each held their eyes in their hands. I could see the skin under their finger nails, and the blood on their hands. They had ripped out their own eyes. Tears streamed down my face. Why was this happening to me. Why did I have to see something so horrific again. "Where are you. I demanded into the air. "Why are you doing this? I called out boldly. I was replied to with that same, infinite voice. That same violent vibration. The laughter of the one from the void. Once again I awoke in my own bed covered in sweat. I was done with this. I sat up and walked to the window and grabbed the crystal, determined to end this. I looked into it and slammed my power into it. I don't know what I was hoping for but it worked. I found myself falling into the same void as before. I found that suddenly I was floating in the void again as well. But this time, it was different. I could feel the presence of whomever I was in here with. I used the abilities to fly towards it as fast as I could. Eventually I came upon what I was looking for. Dark red mist, the same shade of that as the crystal, as far as the eye could see. Occasionally red lightning bolts lit the mist, exposing the silhouette of what lay beyond. Tentacles, larger than mountains covered in suction cups the size of cities writhed within the mist. With each lightning bolt the awe inspiring scale of this being was revealed. My body shook as it communicated to me. I had to struggle to maintain my grasp on my consciousness. "I am done with you" It boomed. I saw the same tentacle that had bestowed this power to me before. I was gripped by the force of this being. My ability but a speck of dust by comparison to its power. I could not escape. The tentacle touched my forehead in the same spot as before. I was in my body, watching as I practiced my first time using the power. I lifted the rock, and saw a small sliver of light appear in The black void of space above the Earth. I threw the rock at the tree. The sliver grew larger. I lifted my gun. I shot the gun. The sliver grew larger, and light poured through angrily. I observed with growing terror as I watched each time I used my power, the light growing into a large white circular form. And then I watched almost as if in slow motion, as Jess fell over on the dock and I saved her. The light became a perfect circle and calmed and dimmed, leaving a perfect white circle. Dark red tentacles larger than mountain ranges began to slither through from the other side, hungrily making their way towards the Earth. I was awakened by my phone ringing. Jess answered it. Her face went pale and she passed the phone to me. It was the cops of my parents town. They had been murdered in their home. The cop said it was the most gruesome murder case he had ever worked. After forensics had been done it was found that they had not ripped out their own eyes, but each others. For the next two weeks I lived in constant fear that vision I saw of Jess would come true. I constantly checked on her. She told me she understood that I was scared after what happened to my parents but she couldn't take me babysitting her like a child. I decided to get rid of the crystal. As I had figured would happen, I couldn't destroy it, not even with my gun. I took it deep into the woods and buried it six feet into the ground in a spot well away from any trail. I planted a fern on top of it to disguise the place of burial forever, and told myself I would never go back. My drive home was filled with nothing but sorrow from the death of my parents. I got home relieved to be done with the damned crystal and opened my front door. I leaned down and took my shoes off and noted the smell of rust in the air. I stood up and went rigid. Not rust. Blood. My Jess sat slumped on the couch. I laughed. I laughed hysterically, so hard my ribs hurt. I walked over to her and stroked her glistening forehead. "You forgot to put your skin on honey. I coo'd lovingly to her. I laughed as I shakily scooped her viscera back into her chest and stomach cavity. "Don't worry. I whispered to her, barely audible. "You are going to be fine. I couldn't get her guts to stay inside so after a few minutes I decided to step outside for some fresh air. I looked up at the sun and noticed it looks more white than yellow today. Large snakelike shadows writhed over it, causing the light of day to darken and brighten dramatically. I noticed other people looking up as well with squinted eyes, trying to see what was causing the strange phenomena. I put my hand on the railing of the front porch and felt something prick me. I looked. It was a bright red vine.

I'm going to take all of the CO2 and hold it for randsome, then all eyes will turn to me and I will laugh, moon you all; and everyone who ever made fun of me will have to bow to get even enough to make a soda. wuhahaha! feel my wrath humans. Windows on the world trade center.


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